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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

August 13, 2014

Local student Lexus Ward, daughter of Joseph and Mary Ann Ward, has been accepted to the University of Jamestown, Jamestown, N.D. Ward is graduate of Dayton High School and is planning to major in chemistry and Lexus has been awarded the University's Knight Scholarship and Legacy Award.

With the implementation of additional wind-powered generation capacity, the Bonneville Power Administration is constructing a 38-mile, 500-kilovot line to connect substations at Central Ferry and Lower Monumental Dam.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

August 11, 1999

Jeremy Hubbard of Dayton, son of William and Susan Hubbard, and a 1999 graduate of Dayton High School, has been selected to receive the $750 Nadine Spacek Memorial Scholarship for the 1999-2000 academic year at Eastern Washington University. Hubbard, whose goal is to become a teacher and coach, is a senior at Eastern majoring in reading.

Vanessa M. Schlegel, wife of Lamar A. Schlegel (United States Coast Guard, Honolulu), has received a $900 scholarship from the Non Commissioned Officer Association of America. Vanessa is the daughter of Lawrence and Helen Gallaway and a 1987 graduate of Dayton High School, and is a senior at Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu and will receive a BSAA with a Concentration of Finance.

Results of a Small Business Administration report selected Dayton's branch of Bank of the West as one of two Washington banks friendliest to small farms and businesses, tied for first place with First Heritage Bank in Snohomish.

Bank of the West President Wes Colley gave a check for $2,000 to Treasurer Mary Luce, Touchet Valley Arts Council, as a donation to money to the community portion needed for construction of the Liberty Theater, with a scheduled $2,000 donation next year.

Fifty Years Ago

August 15, 1974

Meri Hurst Named To Who's Who--Who's Who Among American High School Students honors Meri Hurst, a junior at Dayton High School, who was recently notified that she is to be featured in the eighth annual edition of Who's Who among American High School Students, 1973-74, the largest student award publication in the nation. Hurst is the daughter of Rex and Dorothy Hurst and will compete for one of ten scholarship awards of $500 to $1,000 funded by the publishers and will be invited to participate in the firm's annual "Survey of High Achievers."

The Dayton Chapter of the Blue Mountain Humane Society, still in its infancy with 14 members, has been extremely active the past three months. The Humane Society Agent for Columbia County, Mrs. Dwight Richter, has handled 21 complaint calls, ranging from neglected animals to injured animals, rescued animals, dumped animals, and shot animals.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

August 11, 1949

Harold D. Floyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Floyd, is taking part in the amphibious training operations in Virginia. More than 22 ships with a compliment of 3,400 officers and men are taking part in the operation. Floyd has been in the navy since 1931, during the last war he served in the European and Pacific areas and earned the navy medal, marine medal, the bronze star and the presidential citation. Floyd is an executive officer and engineering officer with the rank of Lt. (jg.)

Dayton poultry raisers are warned that a threat of Newcastle disease to their flocks has spread through the Northwest and reports place the losses as heavy. This disease is second only to pullorum disease in the economic loss it causes in the poultry industry. Vaccines recently developed are proving helpful in controlling the disease, but not a substitute for, strict control measures.

One Hundred Years Ago

August, 1924

No information available

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

August 12, 1899

A new remedy for tuberculosis developed in France has been reported to the state department by United States Commercial Agent Atwood at Roubaix. It is a treatment called to the attention of the Academy of Medicine by Dr. Mendel, and consist in the daily injection into the bronchial tubes of essence of eucalyptus, thyme and cinnamon, held in solution in olive oil.

Treasury Orders Payment of Demands on Paper. In the fall movement of the crops there will be a pressing demand for more currency or paper money. As this can be furnished in no other way than by the issue of gold certificates, there will undoubtedly be a demand more or less upon the treasury for such certificates against the deposits of gold.

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