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Library News

Library Hours: M-W-F 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue.–Thur. 12-8 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

By Karin Spann, CCRLD Trustee

This week, I’d like to focus on two areas of particular interest to me; highlighting lesser known library services, and the progress made in making our library more physically accessible.

Services. Our library is a community resource for a number of things. It’s not just about books. One especially valuable resource is the link between it and state library services for the vision-impaired. Any person who typically needs large print books is eligible for the free resources offered by the State Library. Local library staff can do the certification necessary to access the services which include braille, large print, audio, with an ever-expanding collection due to advances in technology.

Another service more and more patrons avail themselves to is help with using technology. Having a tech savvy staff that is willing to help those of us whose skills lag a little, or a lot, has been a real benefit to our small community. Don’t be shy about asking.

Lastly, a reminder that the Library is a depository of information. It should be your first stop when inquiring about available services in Columbia County. If unfamiliar themselves, staff are adept at research to get you started. Service providers are asked to keep your information current at the Library to ensure prompt referrals.

Accessibility Progress: At long last, the essential elements have come together to improve accessibility within the Library. Through careful budgeting by the Director and Board of Trustees and improvements in wireless technology, everything is in place to make a variety of accessibility improvements at an affordable cost to the District.

While the Library services are currently ADA (American Disabilities Act) compliant, we will move up to the level of ADA Accessible. Using our own funds, we are starting these improvements by updating the necessary electronics and contacting Vertical Options for the installation of a vertical lift. Other improvements include making the restrooms in all areas, including the Delany building, more accessible and rearranging the furnishings to make them better utilized by all patrons.

Hopefully all 2020 improvements will be complete by the end of the summer, with little disruption in services. Definitely something to celebrate!

Reminders: February is Love Your Librarian Month. Please thank our Library staff for their service to the Public.

Interesting Tidbit. The adult book most checked out in 2019 was Wolf Pack by C.J. Box and Where the Crawdad’s Sing by Delia Owens.