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Guy Strot chosen as superintendent

DAYTON–The School District Board have selected Guy Strot to fill the open Superintendent position after interviews and the public forum process. Strot plans to join the District following the retirement of current Superintendent, Doug Johnson. Strot intends to begin his new position in Dayton effective July 1, 2020.

Strot has fourteen years of experience in education, with a Master's in Teaching from Concordia University. He is currently in his fifth year as a principal at Kalama School District, and previously served as a teacher and principal in the Lind–Ritzville Cooperative Schools.

The selection process gave the three candidates for the superintendent position an opportunity to meet individually with the Dayton School District Board and Administration for interviews, followed by a public forum held at the Dayton High School Auditorium on Monday, February 10, 2020.

After listening to opening statements from each of the candidates, the public was allowed time to ask questions and learn more about them.

Dr. Effie Dean has a background in counseling and psychology, and also practical experience in special education. She believes that all children can be helped in finding a path and making goals to get there. She also shared that though she didn't have direct first-hand experience, she has worked in districts that have had schools combine in Lind Ritzville and Wilbur Creston. Dr. Dean offered the following response when she was asked why she is the best candidate for the superintendent position. "I believe I have the education, the experience and the motivation to do not only a good job for you, but I believe because of my background that I could do an excellent job. You will have a hard time finding anybody that will work harder for you. I usually put in more hours than any other person in my district. And I hope I don't sound prideful when I say that I am very motivated and goal oriented. I take it very seriously that I'm responsible for making sure our community produces healthy citizens to go forward."

Dr. Andie Webb has experience as a Career and Technical Education (CTE) director. She believes part of teaching is working with the social-emotional parts of a student to achieve academic standards. She implemented the Hope Squad School Suicide Prevention Program for student involvement to train kids to be peer advocates for intervention. She does not have experience working with a school combine. She feels she is the best candidate because "I understand small communities. I understand small schools and what kids need at this level. I also have background in alternative work and in ELL, as well as CTE, which is my passion. I have worked at all three levels. I have worked as an administrator at elementary, middle and high school and have been both a teacher and an administrator, so I really feel like I have been very well rounded and have had the opportunity to work in public, private and charter schools, as well."

Guy Strot has experience working in the Lind–Ritville school district following their combine. In his previous positions, he was responsible for implementing various school programs in such areas as natural resources, the arts, technology including offering STEM classes. As the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Director, he had 12 classes approved for students to earn this credit. When asked why he is best candidate for the position, he responded, "I think that I love kids, and that's why I got into this, that's why I started, and that's why I have no desire to retire. I would love to retire here ten years from now. I want to give ten more years and every single day I guarantee you that I will put students first and do what's best for them. That's certainly been my belief and will continue to be my belief."

Following the forum, the School Board met to review the interviews and forum, including the feedback given from the community and staff members that were present via a questionnaire that was dispersed. They made a unanimous decision and have now entered into contract negotiations with Strot.

The Board will be meeting again February 19, 2020 o finalize the contract.