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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

March 17, 2010

Bridging a gap from the electronic age to the Library. The question was asked of the Library staff: “Why don’t you publish the list of new books at the Dayton Library? The answer is “they are updated and listed on our web site weekly.”

Students of Debbie Baxter, art teacher at the Dayton High School, volunteered to redo the Eagle Manor sign. Junior Filip Spasic created the design for the sign using their logo with the help of Abby Chapman, Ilse Carrera, Toby Abrams, Mieke Masselink, Debbie Baxter, C.J. Tziouvaras and Molly Weppler. Filip Spasic, Ilse Carrera and Mieke Masselink are foreign exchange students.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 15, 1995

Columbia County Sheriff’s Department got a little off the top after Sheriff Jim LaTour’s diagnosis of cancer. The rest of the department wanted to show their support and shaved their heads right along with La Tour.

“Caught him on a worm!” exclaimed an excited Joe Cush. “I was fishing for about five minutes when he hit my line!” Joe’s friend George Chapman was there to help with the net. The Brown Trout measured about 24 inches long and weighed approximately seven pounds and is one of the biggest Browns to come out of the Touchet River.

Fifty Years Ago

March 19, 1970

Bertha and John Hinchliff, and Wilber and Louise Hinchliff, father and son, have been chosen for the 1970 Columbia County Cattlemen of the Year Award. The announcement of the selection was revealed this week by Albert Laib, committee chairman. Other members of the committee are Jack Penner, Chuck Mead, Bob Warren, Art Sunderland, Duane Scott and Chuck Jehle.

Mrs. Dayle (Faye) Rainwater, was named Two-County crew leader for Columbia and Garfield counties for the 1970 Census of Population and Housing, according to J. Robert Halford, manager of the Census Bureau’s temporary office in Spokane.

Lisa Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Russell of the Tucannon district, Lynn Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gale Davis, and Debbie Howard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Howard of the Tucannon District, are the three young women named as queen candidates for the 1970 Dayton Days celebration on May 30-31, following the horsemanship judging last Saturday, March 14.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

March 15, 1945

A sign on Dorsey’s restaurant door read: “Closed until we can comply with OPA regulations.” The closure is the result of negotiations started several weeks ago with the Spokane Ration Board over his ceiling prices being reduced.

One Hundred Years Ago

March 17, 1920

German Revolution Collapses. Order for Arrest of Leaders Brings Resignation. Wolfgang Kapp has fled Berlin, leaving the chancellery in an automobile at 6 o’clock.

J. L. Dumas was in the city yesterday, having been at Milton looking after the purchase of apple trees to set out, enlarging his orchard holdings. He said when he set out his first orchard in 1879, he paid six cents each for trees... This year the price quoted him is 60 cents for each tree.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 16, 1895

The chicken law is again in force. Our neighbors will therefore please kill those roosters belonging to us who have taken up quarters with their flock and will please keep their own chickens at home.