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Dayton Days Parade canceled

DAYTON–Everyone loves a parade, but not if there's risk of spreading coronavirus among the vulnerable population of the Columbia County community, says the Dayton Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.

Meeting last week, the Board opted to forgo the annual Memorial Day Weekend parade, a spring-time tradition here for decades. The parade is canceled and won't be rescheduled this year.

"Due to the coronavirus pandemic and uncertainty of large group gatherings," said Molly Weatherill-Tate, Chamber Manager, "the Chamber Board has canceled the Dayton Days parade. We don't necessarily want to bring a large group to town."

Weatherill-Tate noted the Chamber's concern for the high percentage of vulnerable people in Dayton's population.

The Chamber's All Wheels Weekend remains on the schedule, Weatherill-Tate said. In the meantime, the Chamber is delaying committing expenditures that are related to the event while waiting for the COVID-19 situation to potentially ease by the event's date on the third weekend of June.

"It is hoped that later in May we will know more and make a decision then," she said.

The decision on whether to cancel the Dayton Days Rodeo has not been made. Dayton Days, Inc. officers and board members are awaiting further developments in the plan to reopen segments of the economy.

Governor Jay Inslee's prohibition on certain businesses and events may expire on May 4.