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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

July 14, 2010

Dorothy McCauley and Bob Budig, both members of the 1943 class at DHS have been chosen as Parade Marshals of the 2010 alumni parade this coming weekend.

Alumni Spotlight: Charlotte Hutchens, 99, taught school in Montana and here at Columbia School 2 miles west of Dayton during 1943-44, until it closed in the early ’60s.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

July, 12, 1995

300 Swimmers will attend the Depot Festival Swim Meet on Saturday, coming from Pomeroy, Potlatch, Connell, Milton-Freewater, St. John, Endicott, La Crosse and more.

Tara White placed fourth in the Machine Transcription contest during the FBLA National Conference held in Orlando, Fla. There were about 4,100 students at the conference and 35 were competing in Machine Transcription.

Fifty Years Ago

July 16, 1970

Jennie Cowen, 1970 DHS graduate, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cowen, was presented a framed plaque recognizing the $400 Standard Oil scholarship. She is planning to enroll at Central Washington State College.

Captain Gene Lathrop, U. S. Marine Corps Reserve, a graduate of DHS and son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lathrop, received a gold star in lieu of the third Distinguished Flying Cross during ceremonies at Cherry Point, N.C.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

July 13, 1945

A deal was arranged this week wherein the Elizabeth Forest-Day Club purchased from Oliver Booth a strip of ground between the City Library and the alley.

Word has been received here that Pfc. Marion Earl Marll, the son of Mrs. Leone McElwain, has been wounded in action in the Okinawa Battle. Marll is with the Sixth Marine Division.

One Hundred Years Ago

July 14, 1920

A dispatch from Prosser: Drilling operations have been resumed on well No. 1 of the Walla Walla Oil, Gas & Pipe Line company. The utmost care is being taken and small progress made, as the flow of gas is so heavy there is fear of cutting it off by running the casing through it.

Spray Belgium, July 9: Germany, in conformity with the unanimous decision of her cabinet, signed the protocol for her speedy disarmament insisted upon by the allies.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 13, 1895

While Ed Deyo and Chas. Rape, son of Ed Rape, were hauling hay, the wagon tipped over on the grade above the house. Charles was caught under the rack in such a manner as to break one of his legs just above the ankle. One of Mr. Deyo’s jaybird heels got caught and badly crushed. Dr. Van Patten was called and attended the wounded people.