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No new COVID-19 cases in past three weeks

DAYTON– There have been no new cases of the Coronavirus-19 since September 2, according to County Public Health Administrator Martha Lanman in a report to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) at the September 21 meeting.

Lanman remarked that the lack of cases is good news especially considering that school opened late last month. She attributed the success of the prevention of the spread of the virus to the cooperation of residents in and around the Dayton community.

Lanman meets regularly with county and city departments including Emergency Management and Columbia County Health System. She also meets regularly with the Dayton School District Superintendent, Guy Strot to keep up communication about COVID-19 prevention.

Lanman reported there have been a total of 14 positive cases, with seven out of county positive results, two pending, and one death out of 619 total tests administered.

In other county department news, Chuck Eaton reported about a formal complaint at the fairgrounds involving 4-H Leader LeeAnn Literal who works with the kids in the equine program, most who are also boarders. She is being accused by Alicia Adkins of allegedly berating her kids on multiple occasions and at least one other child on other occasions. The alleged incidents occurred both during 4-H and County Fair events as well as times when boarders were tending to or exercising their horses. According to the Commissioner’s clerk’s office, “The Commissioners will be discussing the matter at their next meeting in hopes of finding a resolution.” (Full disclosure: Literal is a non-editorial, part-time employee of the Dayton Chronicle.)

Also, Eaton announced that there will be a road closure coming after hunting season until next summer far up the Wolf Fork where he said there are only vacation cabins. The road is in danger of a washout due to a culvert that has not been dealt with.

A new payroll policy including a potential Cost of Living increase is being proposed by the Policy Committee to review whether county employee’s pay fits the job description and job level. Payroll budgets are requested for all county departments to the County Auditor Anne Higgins, to review. The Commissioners will decide on how to move forward based on the available budget and recommendations of the Policy Committee.