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Perry Dozier is sworn in as State Senator for the 16th District

OLYMPIA–This morning Perry Dozier was sworn into office as the next 16th District State Senator by Superior Court Judge M. Scott Wolfram at the Walla Walla County Courthouse.

The 16th District is comprised of Walla Walla and Columbia County and portions of Benton and

Franklin County. Senator Dozier has lived and worked in the 16th district his entire life operating an irrigated and dryland farm operations in both Franklin and Walla Walla counties. His education is rooted within this district as a graduate from Prescott High School and Whitman College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics.

Over the past 20 years, Senator Dozier's political experiences have included President of the Washington Association of Wheat Growers, serving on the Walla Walla County Planning Commission, Chair of the Waitsburg Economic Development Committee, Commissioner of the Washington State Barley Commission, and most recently as the District 2, Walla Walla County Commissioner, serving two terms from 2009-2016.

Senator Dozier will serve as the Ranking Member on the Business, Financial Services and Trade as well as a member of the Early Learning and K-12 and Human Services, Reentry and Rehabilitation committees.

He succeeds Senator Maureen Walsh.