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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

February 16, 2011

Although horse racing in Washington rom the Southeast corner there is no longer money at the state level to continue races in Dayton, Waitsburg or Walla Walla. The Washington State Racing Commission, which regulates horse racing, announced last week out of the five tracks in the State of Washington, only two will be operating in 2011.

The Columbia County Health System welcomes Abby Schrader, who holds a Master of Science degree in Occupational Therapy, from University of Mary in Bismarck, N.D.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 14, 1996

The Dayton Bulldog Booster Club had its annual Cedar Chest Raffle before Christmas. The winner of the Cedar Chest (built by our High School wood tech class) was Ellen Blevins. The afghan, made by Jane Lembcke, was won by Laura Turner, four ski passes, donated by Ski Bluewood, were won by Chriss Warren and Joy Herbst, stuffed bear made by Ann Michelson won by Mona Himmelberger, Savings Bond from Bank of the West won by Mike Talbott, the Hawthorne Gallery candle won by Joe Nyce.

Fifty Years Ago

February 18, 1971

Grant Low, senior at Dayton High School, son of Don Low of Starbuck, has been notified that he has advanced to finalist standing in the 1970-71 National Merit Scholarship Program.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

February 14, 1946

Raymond Lorenz won first in an oratorical contest for high school students put on by the state department of Conservation and Development. Cora Lee Gerken took second place. Young Lorenz will represent Columbia County in the District Contest held after February 18.

Stan Neal, recently discharged after 26 months in the armed forces, has gone into partnership with his father, Judy Neal, an old timer in the automotive repair business (36 years).

The French provisional government presented the United States government with $40,000,000 as a further installment on the accepted outstanding billings for shipments of materials made to French North and West Africa during the last two years.

One Hundred Years Ago

February 21, 1921

Joe Oliver and Miss Eva May Savage were united in marriage Sunday afternoon by Rev. W.C. Gilmore, at the Congregational manse. The bride is the daughter of W.R. Savage of this city, Mr. Oliver came from Gilroy, Cal.

Walt Mosier, chief herder at the Henry Delany ranch, drove a new Lizzie home and was trying to teach it new tricks to open the gate by running Lizzie’s nose against the gate, bunting it twice.

A dance was given at the Woodward stock farm above Starbuck, Saturday night, those attending were from Dayton, Starbuck and residents along the creek. The music was old familiar tunes being played on a fiddle, accompanied by two guitars and a banjo.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 15, 1896

COVELLO CLIPS; Newt and Henry James took a two-horse load of dead hogs, well dressed, to Starbuck last Tuesday.

Taken to the Asylum. J.W. Duncan was arrested by Sheriff Knobloch and Deputy J.D. Smith. Complaint sworn out by his wife on charged Duncan with Insanity. Duncan, a hard man handle, was requested to go to the courthouse before the warrant was read to him. The sheriff and deputy knew they would have a scuffle with him, so they wanted to be near the jail before they arrested him.

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