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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

March 30, 2011

The Demolition Derby returns to Columbia County Fair entertainment, along with midway entrainment and arena events.

Hand-tossed crust provides a delightful thin pizza crust, by Corey Suffield, owner of Cascadia Pizza located at Carolyn Suffield’s Home Baked Goodness

Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 27, 1996

The Blue Mountain Rocketeers conducted their first club launch of the year on Saturday, March 16 at the Smith Hollow launch site. There were several special guests in attendance. Scouting leader Lonnie Mettler was present with members of his troop from Walla Walla.

The Dayton theater restoration project is up and running. The old Liberty Theater will once again provide entertainment for the Dayton community with movies, concerts and plays.

Dayton Days Court Chosen. The Candidates were: Dora Reeves, daughter of Charles and Kenny Reeves; Leah Mills, daughter of Jim and Lois Mills; Adreinne Thorn, daughter of James and Laura Thorn; and Darci Bruegman, daughter of Terry and Debbie Bruegman. Traditionally three girls are selected, the judges announced all four would be serving this year, with Darci Bruegman as the Dayton Days Queen.

Fifty Years Ago

April 1, 1971

Winner of the 1971 Keep Washington Green poster contest for Columbia County are Lori Brewington, Dan Bledsoe, and Andy Jennings. Nine winning county posters selected by judges from among about 400 produced in art classes of Dayton Public Schools, under the direction of Mrs. Cecil Sharpe.

Miss Polly Cowen has been named local winner in the Federated Clubs Bernita Sewing Contest sponsored by Benevolentia Club. Miss Karen Richter place second, with third-place tie shared by Miss Kristi Boggs and Miss Cindy Startin. Mrs. Claude McQuary served as contest chairman for the local club.

Dayton FFA Retains 2nd Place Trophy. The crops judging and weed identification team from the Dayton chapter of Future Farmers of American placed second in State competition with ten teams, and retained the large second place plaque awarded them last year.

J.W. “Jim” Saucier and Mrs. Leo Fletcher received Certificates of Appreciation from Sheriff Gary VonCadow, as a thank you for their cooperation and aid in the investigation and solving of the recent Dayton liquor store burglary.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

March 28, 1946

Sam Oliver, a veteran of World Wars I and II, has been chosen a member of the local selective service board, to fill a vacancy created by the death of the late J.J. Edwards.

Vaccinate Now for Smallpox, Because of the possibility that the outbreak of smallpox, which has occurred in Seattle may spread around the State. Dr. Day, County health officer asked all person who have not been vaccinated against the disease in the past five years to be immunized.

One Hundred Years Ago

March 30, 1921

The ancestry of the Hon. Levi Ankeny, of Walla Walla, can be traced back to Revolutionary War times and those who represented valiant soldiers in the struggle for independence. Ankeny has a history of development in the northwest, with financial interests in the beginning with the organization of the First National Bank in Walla Walla in January of 1878 and service as a United States senator.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 28, 1896

Field Gulch Item: the winter killed some of the squirrels but there are plenty of them left. The strychnine was a God send for this part of the county. The new crop is now on hand but we think we can save our crops and all hands are very grateful to the commissioners for their aid.

Miss Fannie Day has been employed to teach school in the district known as Starveout Ridge.