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The Bible teaches that the Lord supplies food to the birds, even though they don't sow seed or take part in any kind of harvest. He watches out for them. Jesus said that a sparrow doesn't fall to the ground apart from His Father. Since the Lord cares so much for the birds, He surely cares for us. We are of much more value to Him than many birds.

In spite of our sin, He loved us so much that He sent His Son to die for us while we were enemies to Him, alienated by our wicked thoughts and desires. Jesus took our personal sins on Himself when He died for us on the cross. They are no longer ours.

The Lord has forgiven us and washed us clean. He said, "I will remember their sins no more" (Heb. 8:12) What an amazing and wonderful love! Through Christ we are presented faultless before the throne of God. It is very assuring that in this present dark age in which fear and depression are so prevalent, that the Lord is caring for each one of His children.

Those who seek Him in whole hearted prayer experience a "lifting up and out" of depression. They experience a peace that surpasses all understanding. They know they are loved. They are convinced their future is bright, hopeful, and eternal.

Jesus told Pilate that His kingdom was not of this world. The Kingdom Jesus invites us to is best known in our hearts through faith. It is the Kingdom of His love, joy, and goodness. Our spiritual food is heavenly. Our living water flows from the throne of God. Our hearts are transformed by His love. The Holy Spirit fills us.

What a precious opportunity we all have in answering Jesus' invitation that we trust in Him, accept Him as Savior, and turn away from our sins.

Pastor Greg Brownell

United Brethren Church
