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Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

Aneesha Dieu has announced her candidacy as a school board member for the Dayton School District. She has two young boys of school age and one not yet attending. She is a concerned mother who values biblical principles, American history, and our great Constitution.

Aneesha is bubbly, energetic, fun to be around, and enjoys a good barbecue. She loves her Doterra essential oils and has helped me out with her knowledge of their use. She is a piano playing member of Dayton Christian Church and meets weekly to practice with their band. She is the director of the Columbia Conservation District where she spends the allotted money wisely and helps as many land owners as she can. She’s been happily married to Tiger Dieu for 8 years. They enjoy camping, gardening, and going to their children’s ball games.

Her hidden talents are her ability to make gorgeous birthday cakes, hit a killer volleyball serve, and remodel homes. She loves being busy, getting things done, and being positive. She currently coaches soccer. She is a ray of sunshine to those around her, yet she has a backbone of steel.

Some of the issues that aided in her decision to run for this office are in the news today. Personal liberties are being trampled. Values and morality are being set aside. Parental rights are being disregarded. Aneesha Dieu believes Critical Race Theory is unnecessary. It causes division instead of bring people together. “Keep children innocent. They don’t see color. They are not born racists,” she said.

She believes all lives matter. We are humans created by God to live a beautiful, productive life and make a difference in this world one life at a time. I’m honored to call Aneesha Dieu a friend. Join me in voting for Aneesha to represent you on the Dayton School Board.

Kathryn Tapio


To the editor,

As I interact with others in my community, I sense that many people are uncertain and concerned as to where our country, state, county and city are headed as we plod along into the future.

Our national politicians are spending trillions of dollars as if we had it to spend. Our borders are wide open to let in thousands of illegal aliens that are being supported by our tax dollars. Property taxes are rising and water bills will be increasing in Dayton from what I see. Columbia county illegal drug use is rising and it has a terrible affect in all types of crimes, which puts a bigger financial burden upon our sheriff department. Inflationary prices on everything we buy from lumber to groceries is rising rapidly and has a direct effect on each of us.

There may be no single answer to all the issues but perhaps we as a community need to rethink what our needs and wants truly are. Simply put: a need is obviously something that we truly need and a want is something that may be nice to have but we can certainly get by without it. That is not rocket science, it is common sense thinking.

I feel a fiscally conservative approach to running not only our country but also running our state, county and city would be a responsible direction as we go forward. We need people in our public offices who will make wise decisions and be held accountable for spending our hard-earned money. We citizens cannot stand to be continually taxed more.

Jerry Martin

Dayton, Wash.