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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

June 22, 2011

Ken Graham and Cara Breland presented the final plans for the Dayton Kiwanis Playground, on behalf of the committee from the Dayton Development Task Force at the June 13 meeting of the Dayton City Council.

The ML Express food trailer has attended all All Wheels Weekend serving curly; fries on Main Street for eight years since Bob and Tina Riedel purchased the food trailer from the prior owners, who attended all the previous years.

The Washington State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital is again open to clients seeking service for horses, llamas and alpacas following the recent outbreak of equine herpes virus (EHV-1).

Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 19, 1996

At All Wheels Weekend, a 1913 Fire Truck was on display, the truck first saw action in the Moses Lake fire district and was carrying two wooden extension ladders, 2 water cans, a 50-gallon tank of water and about 60 foot of one-inch hose. Water was pumped by hand.

The Cruisin’ Award captured by Allen and Sandra Endres, from Spokane, who owned a 1956 BelAir Chevrolet Convertible with black paint so deep you just swim in it. And equipped with a rare add on, the Continental spare kit.

The Blue Mountain SnoMo Club wrapped another busy season. At the Washington State Snowmobile Association Convention held in Chelan, the Blue Mountain Club was awarded the Club of the Year for the state and received the On the Snow Charity award for raising the most money for Make-a-Wish charity with their bucket run held in January.

Fifty Years Ago

June 24, 1971

Miss Sherri Grubb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grubb, will fly from Spokane Sunday morning, June 27, to New Jersey to begin a month-long association with “Young Americans in Concert” for a concert tour of Europe. Miss Grubb will perform in Carnegie Hall July 2, as part of a group of American musicians prior to embarking on a European concert tour.

Miss Jerilyn “Jeri” Jewett, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jewett, has been selected as one of the top 4-H achievement award winners in the State 4-H Conference held on the WSU campus. Miss Jewett won an all-expense-paid trip to the 4-H Club Congress in Chicago to the 50th National 4-H Club this fall for her Photography Project in 4-H. The award is sponsored by the Eastman Kodak Company and will compete for one of six $1,000 national scholarships.

Chuck and Trish Turner were named Washington State Grange Young Couple for 1971 during the state convention held June 17 at Longview. The Turners, representing Columbia County, were among five couples in the state-wide competition. They will now travel to Charleston, West Virginia, for the national Grange convention and to compete for the national title.

One Hundred Years Ago

June 11, 1921

The first packing house dance of the season by Messrs. Erbes and Walls at the Erbes packing house Wednesday evening, was a grand success, with a cool evening, lunch was good and plentiful and the orchestra was better than usual.

Trans-continental railways announce today that they will reduce rates, new rate of $1.75 a hundred pounds, on carload shipments of vegetables, including cantaloupes, melons, and apples.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 20, 1896

Mr. Wooten of Starbuck says that he has discovered a new variety of winter apple in his orchard, which he thinks is going to take the lead in the Northwest. It is a large red apple, fine flavored and a good keeper. He planted the seed five years ago.

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