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Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

This letter is to explain why I support Korinda Wallace for Dayton School Board Director #1. After talking and getting to know Korinda’s position on the issues facing our local school board, from discipline to her views on unfunded federal and state mandates, I have decided that she is the best candidate.

I believe she has so much to offer our school district at this point and time. How do I know this? It is based on my own experience serving on a school board for eight years in the smallest district in Thurston County. When I was serving on that board the most aggravating aspect was the on slot of unfunded mandates. Most of those we fought against and we preserved our right to run our school district in the way our community foavored.

I believe Korinda has that drive to do what is right by our children and always ask the same question I did before every vote. How will this vote positively affect a student in the classroom?

I also believe that her personal education being home schooled is a bonus. Different points of view on a board adding diverse options based on other experiences are always a plus. It is obvious to me it didn’t hold Korinda back. She graduated from New Covenant Christian Academy and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Horticulture (Magna Cum Laude) with honors from Oregon State University.

She also serves at her church and on other non-profits such as 4-H and FFA; Walla Walla Frontier Days Stagecoach Team.

In closing I also have a personal interest. I have two grandchildren (future Bulldogs) that will soon enter our school district and having good leadership in these positions are so important to a properly run school district. Thank you for your time.

Dan Aschenbrenner

Dayton, Wash.

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