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Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

I fully endorse and support Johnny Watts for Columbia County Port Commissioner, District 3. I feel I have a good sense of what he values most: a strong Christian belief, a strong family, integrity, honesty and a conservative foundation. He is definitely one whose word I would trust and know that his word is very important to him.

Johnny has stated that he has chosen to run for County Port Commissioner to enhance the voice of the people it serves. Our citizens deserve to have their voices heard. We need to hear the voices of the Port Commissioners. Meetings have been orchestrated to silence opinions and input. Yes, both positive and negative input needs to be weighed and evaluated. We can all learn from honest, constructive criticism.

Johnny Watts cares about his community and the people of Columbia County. This shows through his involvement as a volunteer firefighter, Church leadership, coaching sports and many other community activities. In several long discussions with Johnny, it is obvious to me that he possesses the keen ability to balance pros and cons in complex situations.

I am convinced he is capable of making wise and informed decisions to help achieve sound economic growth. The kind of growth that provides living wages for families.

In conclusion, I have no reservations in stating that Johnny Watts would be a very valued member of the Port of Columbia.

Dr. Charles G. Beleny, USAF Col (Ret)

Dayton, Wash.

Dear Editor,

On Wednesday, August 18, 2021 the Governor of Washington decided to make a decision for most workers residing in the state of Washington: mandating COVID vaccinations.

Vaccinations are an extremely personal choice, and they SHOULD be. It is a choice that should be up to the individual receiving the vaccine, and only the receiver. Some people may not have adverse side effects to a vaccine, but there is a large majority of individuals’ who have had heartbreaking reactions from the vaccine that affect either themselves or a loved one, and it is an extremely real thing that should not be ignored or labeled false.

Many people’s jobs are on the line due to this mandate set forth by our Governor, and I ask why? Why are we being forced into getting a vaccination that does not guarantee protection from the very thing you are getting vaccinated for? There is no guarantee you will not get the virus, there is no guarantee you will not pass the virus on, there is no guarantee you will not die from the virus after getting the vaccine.

I strongly encourage people to look at the raw data available (very easily) on the long list of extremely adverse reactions to this vaccine, and they ARE happening. All of these reactions are available for anyone to view on the VAERS website – note the over 6,000 deaths reported (please keep in mind these are only the reported ones, as most symptoms and deaths go unreported). The companies who have produced these vaccinations are NOT held liable or accountable for any reactions to the vaccine (including death).

The COVID-19 consent form is a very easy document to find online – notice how it says, “I have voluntarily chosen to receive the vaccination.” How can anyone who is being mandated to receive the vaccine – but disagrees – sign that document? They are not voluntarily receiving the vaccine, they are receiving the vaccine because they want to keep their job, support their family, and eat. Coercion? Yes.

My point with writing this letter is there is a lot of information out there regarding the risks being taken when you receive this vaccine. It is harder to find because you actually have to search for it, it’s being kept silent by the government, and if talked about it is labeled conspiracy theory.

The time to stand up is now – YOU are the only one who gets to decide their medical choices. It’s not easy standing up for what you believe in when everything seems to be crumbling around you, but never give up, never lose hope, and always have faith everything will work out in the end.

Savonnah Henderson

Dayton, WA