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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

October 5, 2011

Leadership, teamwork, support of athletic teams as well as the pursuit of skills of excellence and safety are the core principles of the National Cheerleading Association and it is what new Dayton High School cheer coach AJ Walker instills in the squad.

Mayor Craig George, on behalf of the City of Dayton, received a check from Bill Clemens, Regional Community Manager for Pacific Power, in the amount of $3,500. The grant funds will be used to install a flashing sign near Main and 5th Street.

Blue Mountain Lanes new owners Dan and Tammi Avenson greet everyone with a smile and welcome at the bowling alley.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

October 2, 1996

The Dayton High School band traveled to Pullman to participate in Washington State University’s annual band day. Nearly 1,000 band students joined WSU’s marching band in performing during halftime of the WSU Cougars vs. San Jose State Spartans football game.

The store is called Gun N Things and it is located at 176½ East Main, the location among the old timers as it is where Rays Sporting Goods was located next to Shell for many years. The new owners, Ernie and Sue McColley, will have the shop open seven days a week hoping the capture the weekend trade.

Fifty Years Ago

October 7, 1971

R. E. McGee, owner-operator of McGee Jewelers, returned to Dayton September 29 after an eight-week trip which took him to California, Texas and Mexico.

Members of The Trouveres, all-girl vocal group at Dayton High School, have been selected for the 1971-72 school year, Director Glen Mitchell announced this week. The 12 girls chosen following auditions are Debbie Donohue, Polly Cowen, Shari Attebery, Rhonda Eades, Christy Fletcher, Jean Whipple, Janice Pittman, Beth Pittman, Pam Sharpe, Sharlie Whitmore, Rosa Lee Beck and Jean Perrigin, and will be accompanied by Kay Mead.

HONOREES-A reception honoring Chuck and Trish Turner, Washington State Grange Young Couple of the Year, representing Upper Whetstone Grange 1034 and Columbia County Pomona Grange, were chosen over many contestants to represent the state of Washington in the national contest for Young Couple of the Year honors.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

October 3, 1946

The first known case of infantile paralysis in Columbia County this season was that of Sharon Naves, three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Naves of Starbuck, who developed the malady last week and was rushed to a Walla Walla hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zuger of Waitsburg are parents of triplets, two girls and a boy, born at the Brining hospital Sunday, September 29. The triples are the first ever born at the local hospital and the first in this community in many years.

Due to the Present Cost of Butterfat, Milk Prices Have Been INCREASED, 4c per Gallon, 1c per Quart. Milk…Now 17c peer Quart, Cream…20c per ½ Pint, MILL STREAM DAIRY. Dayton Creamery 7 Ice Works.

One Hundred Years Ago

October 1, 1921

Four Million Reserve Army—Comprehensive plans for creation of the organized reserve of the army on a basis to permit quick mobilization of more than four million fighting men have been prepared by the general staff.

NOTICE TO HUNTERS. It is unlawful to kill prairie chickens, quail or female Chinese pheasants. Columbia County Game Commission.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

October 3, 1896

With the disappearance of the little son of Mrs. Jennie Smith, search parties were organized and about midnight the little fellow was found at John Palmer’s residence on the Patit, three miles from town.