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General Election Candidates: City Council Pos. 5

Vicki Zoller

Vicki Zoller

Vicki Zoller is a write-in candidate for Dayton City Council Position 5.

Zoller's community contributions include serving as Chair of Blue Mountain Station Co-op Board, Chair of Friends of the Dayton Community Pool and Chair of the Columbia County Community Network, a 501(c)(3) umbrella for local community organizations.

She is a volunteer photographer for the annual Evening at the Depot Auction, annual Pet and Family Photo Fundraiser for Dr. Reeves and Dayton Veterinary Clinic, and other local yearly events.

Zoller is a Volunteer Patient Advocate with Walla Walla Community Hospice.

"Wife, Mother, Artist, Photographer – I've lived in Dayton for six years. My husband is Walla Walla born and raised and we knew we would come back this way when he retired.

"I'm a bit of an eternal optimist. I see solutions where others may only see problems. It doesn't take much to point out what is broken but takes commitment and a willingness to stay in the fight to get things fixed, a willingness to be a part of creating positive action.

"I'm grateful to live in a town where that commitment is seen everyday by so many of our locals, including the sitting members of our City Council. I don't have any promises to make you if I'm elected. Those often feel like empty words. I do my best every day and that won't change regardless of this election."