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General Election Candidates: Port Commissioner, District 1

Shawn Brown

Shawn Brown

Shawn Brown is seeking re-election to the Port Commission. He was appointed to the Commission in August, 2020, to fill a vacancy, and was elected as chairman following the death of Earle Marvin.

Brown is 57 years of age and in employed as a Sales Manager/Loan Officer.

He is also a Board Member of the Dayton Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Dayton Affordable Housing Commission.

Brown is seeking re-election because of "a strong desire to give back to the community I love," he said. "I believe that my 18 years of experience in Real Estate and Mortgage lending brings skill and diversity to the Port. I also know that my experience as a Columbia County Port Commissioner for more than a year places me in a strong position to hit the ground running on day one!

Brown believes he is the best candidate due to his experience as a current Port Commissioner. "I am up to speed on the current port holdings and on our current initiatives: 1) The Trail, 2) Broadband, and 3) the improvements at Lyons Ferry Marina."

What challenges does Brown see facing the district and how is he prepared to tackle them? "I tend to look at the County as a whole. With three commissioners, issues do not usually divide into districts. I think our biggest challenges to growing our local economy today are available housing and childcare."

Does Brown think there is one particular challenge that needs to be addressed more than the others? "The number one priority is wise expansion and economic growth for Columbia County," he said.

Regarding the proposed Touchet Valley Trail, Brown thinks the proposed Touchet Valley Trail has the ability to contribute to the local economy in Columbia County by providing additional activities to attract tourism as well as day trip visitors. "We already have existing bike activities connecting Walla Walla and our valley," Brown said. "Hikers and walkers use the existing Rock Hill Trail and The River Dike Trail. Best of all, this can be accomplished with land already owned by the Port of Columbia."