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City still wrangling with internal changes

DAYTON- The City Council hear status reports on the three open city positions, a new Deputy Sheriff, completion of the Food Bank, and Front Street construction progress.

Councilman Dain Nysoe inquired on the three open positions for the city; the City Planner, Public Works Director and Clerk Treasurer. Mayor Zac Weatherford said the city has received one application for the treasurer/city clerk position and two with another expected for the Public Works superintendent. Interviews are being planned for this week. There have been no applicants for the planning position. Nysoe strongly suggested the human resources committee meet to review and adjust the job description and salary to attract applicants to which the mayor was agreeable.

He also suggested the Council plan for a budget review for 2022. According to Weatherford, the city is behind on its budget, but is actively making progress. "We are a little bit behind on the budget. I have been working on getting that under way. I am hoping that I will have something to present to Council at next meeting."

Nysoe told Council the Main Street Safety Plan should also be ready to present along with recommendations at the next regular meeting on November 10.

Sheriff Joe Helm announced that Cesar Rivera has been advanced to Chief Deputy. He also reported that new deputy has completed training and is cleared to work independently. "Riley Conahan has completed his field training officer program so you may see him on the road more often," said Helm. "He is cleared to work by himself. He is doing an excellent job training under Chief Deputy Rivera."

Councilman Michael Paris inquired about Deputy Robbie Patterson's recovery. Helm said, "He is doing great for the circumstances. Obviously, he was in a bad accident. If any of you know who he is, he is a strong, good man and he is doing very well...He's up, he's walking, he's moving, he's home."

The Food Bank Board Vice President Dianne McKinley, requested the mayor convey the message of appreciation for the use of the old fire building at City Hall. She also indicated the Food Bank Board would like to extend an invitation to visit the renovated facility. "The board would like to invite the Council and public to come and check out all the upgrades and new look of the Dayton Food Bank," said McKinley. "They will be open for handouts on Tuesdays from 2-4 p.m."

Weatherford said the Front Street bridge should be open within a few weeks with additional work for sidewalk repairs and on the asphalt to be finished once opened. Last week, the Council approved the contract for work on the First Street bridge which is slated to begin this week.

Mayor Zac Weatherford presented his report beginning with acknowledging before Council the receipt of $900 donation for wages and salary from Councilmember Yost. He took a moment to congratulate Heather Hiebert on being appointed to serve as an interim councilmember, filling the vacancy left by Delphine Bailey for the next few months until the candidate who wins the election begins serving in the role.

The October 13 Dayton City Council meeting was held by Zoom. Councilmembers Misty Yost and Byron Kaczmarski were not present, but excused. Council candidates Tiger Dieu, Teeny McMunn and Vicki Zoller were present.