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Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

I am writing this letter in full support of Teeny McMunn for City Council. Teeny is a well-rounded, caring person. She has been a dedicated volunteer in many areas of life, including her church’s activities, breast cancer support, grief counseling and much more. Her broad business and education background would be of great value to the City of Dayton. Her only reason for being interested in this position is her honest desire to serve the community she loves. To help keep it be healthy and vibrant, and continuing to provide a good quality of life for all of us who reside here!

Bette Lou Crothers

Dayton, Wash.

To the editor,

In regards to the (Port of Columbia candidate cuts ties with local conservative group, October 7, 2021) in the Waitsburg Times. While it has been sad to see the death of journalism at the national and state level for some time, it is sad to see it dying at the local level as well. According to my recollection, a more accurate account of events at the meeting, Mr. Miller mentions to me, and should include, his threats to use firearms against Covid infected individuals, something with which we disagree.

While your (Waitsburg Times) paper’s characterization of the Columbia County Conservatives as a “anti-Vax and anti-mask group” follows national narratives of conservatives as the cause for the current pandemic, nowhere on the website of the Columbia County Conservatives and nowhere other than your article is this a statement of fact. I could understand your confusion if we held closed meetings, but your absence of attendance to the Columbia County meetings, reluctance to learn, and seek out the truth is entirely on your own shoulders.

Mr. Miller’s taking issue with another candidate’s viewpoint other than his own is to be expected. His hostile comments of a group and what appears to be verbal threats of violence based on his disagreement with them is not.

In the future we hope that Mr. Miller and local media (Waitsburg Times) will avoid mischaracterizing those with whom they disagree.

Nick De Paulo

Dayton, Wash.

To the editor,

Shawn Brown has been serving as a commissioner for the Port of Columbia. He has been approachable, and open to discussing and carefully considering various options for the port to improve the local economy (such as broadband). We need someone with his experience as a port commissioner, especially considering the other two commissioners will be new to their positions. I support retention of Shawn Brown (Position 1), and I urge you to vote for his experience and leadership.

Glen Mendel

Dayton, Wash.