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General Election Candidates

Korinda Wallace

I am Korinda Wallace and I am running for the Dayton School Board, Position 1. 

I moved to Dayton 6 years ago from a small ranching community in Central Oregon, and I immediately felt as though my beliefs and values fit perfectly with those in Columbia County. I was homeschooled in a Conservative Christian household, which has given me a heart to serve others. I am currently serving my community through church activities, volunteering with the Columbia County 4-H and FFA Livestock Sales Committee, and attending as many school board meetings as possible. I am fiscally responsible and put myself through college, graduating with top honors. I do not currently have any children of my own but I care very deeply for them and I want to see them get a good, unbiased education.

I am proud to be an American! I support our freedoms, constitution, police, troops, and I believe in fiscal responsibility. I am running for the Dayton School Board, Position 1 because I believe our children have the right to a good education in a safe, supportive environment without liberal policies,  ideologies, and mandates being forced upon them. We should have policies and procedures that represent our community’s values and beliefs not the values of other communities. I do not believe that the liberal government-mandated Critical race theory has a place in our schools nor do I believe that Sex Ed should be taught to our young children. Our schools should be teaching classes that help our children prepare for life after graduation with classes such as math, reading, writing, history, and lifeskill’s such as welding, mechanics, etc.

After having been to several School Board meetings this summer, it is very apparent that there are many issues that need to be resolved soon! These problems will only be fixed when the school board starts functioning as a team. The Board needs to be listening to and fighting for the needs of the students and teachers within the school district (not just listening to the state mandates which come from lawmakers who don’t know our community needs/wants). As a School Board candidate I am willing to stand up for the rights of our kids and teachers and be proactive in resolving issues and conflicts before they become a major problem. So I am kindly asking for your vote so that the needs of the children and teachers can be met and no longer ignored. Thank you.