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Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

I am writing in support of Blue Mountain Station. We visited the BMS Coop last summer before purchasing our home in Dayton. I was happily surprised to find a coop let alone one that offers wonderful meals. Experiences the Coop and meeting Val made Dayton all the more inviting. Since then, we have enjoyed the other unique businesses at BMS including Mama Monacelli's. Blue Mountain Station is a community resource bringing people together in celebration of food, music and local business.

Mary Lenox

Dayton, Wash.

To the editor,

I am writing in defense of the white male. As far as race and the color of the skin, who of us has chosen ours? If a person who is white is judged by their skin color, is that not as racist as judging a colored person by their skin? Is it not a variety of cooking styles, experiences, and skills that make a community and nation interesting? Being a young nation, America has always been a conglomeration of people from other countries. I refuse to hate a person for something their father or other relative did in the past. Everyone gets to be responsible for their own deeds by our laws and by the "Good Book." I am by no means sweeping bad deeds under a carpet. But neither do I think it right to demonize and use a white person as a scapegoat.

Now for the best part. I love a man being a man; opening a door, showing respect, being strong. Because a man may be outspoken or have an opinion, it does not mean a woman can't be a woman. God and nature have given men the desire and ability to hunt, to protect, to think logically, to be strong physically, emotionally, and mentally. I admire a man who accepts what is, who does what he can, and who is gentle and kind. Men have responsibilities riding on their shoulders. And, they have the God-given ability to meet those demands.

In the trashing of certain humans, my advice is to be careful. In the past, certain governments have picked off one group of people at a time. Once we are divided, we can be conquered. Whites, people of color, males, and females; it takes us all to stand for freedom, for good, and for liberty. Now is the time to stand together, to speak truth, and to stop being a part of the downfall of a nation.

Kathryn Tapio

Dayton, Wash.