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2021 Dayton Chronicle Christmas Special Section

Mrs. Bryan



Dear Santa,

Do you really have a magic sleigh? I want to have a good time with my family for Christmas. I also want a Reborn doll-they're so realistic. For my mom she's been really wanting to have a new boat.

Love, Taya Dillard

Dear Santa,

Do your reindeer actually fly or is it just magic? For Christmas may I have a Arctic fox, a Snow globe, and a ukulele? Santa, can you give my family 5 candy canes?

Love, Allison James

Dear Santa,

Do your reindeer actually fly or is it just magic? For Christmas may I have a doll's outfit's and some shoes? Can you also bring my brother a lego set? Happy Christmas Santa!

Sincerely, Ava Van Ausdle

Dear Santa,

Do you have Rudolph? For Christmas, I want a treasure X, a bike, and a bin of Legos. For my dad can you give him a necklace?

Love, Caleb Broome

Dear Santa,

How long does it take you to get all arourd the world? For Christsmas I want a unicorn. For My Cousin Melody a toy horse.

Sincerely, Ciara June Riggs

Dear Santa,

Do your reindeer actually fly? For Christmas may I have a sckwushee' popit and a Fox pic? Can you give a spesholl note from me to dad?

Sincerely, Love, Aubree Burns

Dear Santa,

How lnge does it tek to eat all cookies? Santa, for Christmas may I have Pokemon and can I have new Legos? I Love Legos! Can you give Alosen a new popit?

Love, Silas Dufur

Dear Santa Claus,

I have a question for you. How old are you? For Christmas may I have a teade bear, LoL Doll, and a Pup? I wish my brother and little brother want a toy Pups.

Sincerely, Nimrit Takhar

Dear Santa, Claus,

Do you exercise? Do you acutally have Rudolph? For Christmas I want cars the vidoe game. For pap will you give him a box of amo?

Sincerely, Noah Massey

Dear Santa,

Can you speak every language? How old are you? For my sister Brilla I want her to have a littel football please. Also I want baseball cards please. And for my DaD please give him working stuff.

Sincerely, Elias Trevino

Dear santa,

Do you actually have Rudolph? I want A baby yodae. For my Grama can you Give her a relaxing Day?

Love, Willow Lightner

Dear Santa,

Why did the old lady swallow the bell? For Christmas, I want a doll, a lamp and a PoPit. Will you give my family a wreath to hang uq an the door?

Love, Molly Cameron

Dear Santa,

Did the old lady realee make your slae? No or yes? Please say to baby Jesus. Thank you for zakviseane (sacrificing) his self for us and his father god. For Christmas, can you give baby Jesus his life back? Can I have a little baby Yoda that moves? That's it for me. For my family, can they have a radio because they love music?

Love, Tallon Sherer

Dear Santa Claus

How many weeks does it give you a jelly belly? For Chismas I really want a puppy for Chrismas. I also want a LoL doll. I also want pink Boots. My wish is can my Dad have a cowboy jeens.

Sincerely Timber Herbst

Ms. Olson

Third Grade

Dear Santa,

How are you? I will make you cookies. I moved to Dayton this year. Can you find my new house? I would like a metal detector for Christmas. Can you bring my poodles a bone? I have been helping the dogs at the animal shelter, I take them for walks. Please let the dogs have a good Christmas.

Love, Eli Rushing

Dear Santa, 

My name is Lincoln and I'm 8 years old. How are you doing? Is it fun flying with your reindeer? How does it feel to be the one and only Santa Claus? I bet it's sad when everyone gets presents but you don't get any presents. But I bet you just make presents to play with by yourself at home. What movie do you watch after you go around the world? I watch Home Alone. I was good this year, and my brother was good too. We helped doing chores, we did stuff when our parents told us, and we've been nice to each other. Can I have a V.R. set, and a new phone? And my brother might want some rocks and gems. My dad owns an Indian motorcycle, and my mom might want jewels. My perfect Christmas would be to have a fun time with my family. To help others have a good Christmas I can be nice. You are awesome. The world needs you and I still don't know how you make this many toys. Have a good Christmas.

Sincerely, Lincoln

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa, my name is Josh. How are you doing? How are the reindeer doing? Are you getting ready for the big night? Have you ever missed a house and had to turn around? How do your elves get so much done in a matter of minutes? And how do you get every house right? Oh, by the way, what movie do you watch after going around the world? The Grinch? I would watch Home Alone. So...I have done some really nice things for my parents, like do the dishes, cleaning the living room, helping my dad with stuff and doing my chores. Oh, by the way, have I been good this year? Ok, yeah, maybe I've had a few bumps but I've been pretty good, right? Ok, so on to my wish for Christmas. I would like a basketball hoop that you can hang up on a door and keeps score, and has a basketball. Also, you can turn it on and off, because I love playing basketball. So, my perfect Christmas would be having my uncle come over and going sledding, and sitting in my living room with hot coco and a fireplace on my tv. Ok, so what would I give my parents for Christmas? Mom, ok I'll admit she doesn't want much, but I would give her a picture of her old horse. Dad, he doesn't want much either but I want to give him a super expensive Lakers sweater, I hope he will like it. So, I think to help my mom have a perfect Christmas would just be sitting on a couch with some hot coco. Ok Santa one more thing... Merry Christmas!

Sincerely, Joshua 

 Dear Santa,

 My name is Lyrik. I have been good this year. I help mom clean. I help mom put the Christmas tree and stockings up. I do my chores. I help the little kids read and help Molly with her homework. The best part of Christmas is that you get to play in the snow. That's what I like to do when it snows. And you can go sledding. I like to play on my trampoline when it snows. That is what is fun to do when it snows. That would make it a perfect Christmas.

And this is fun too, you can put a Christmas tree up when it gets closer to Christmas and decorate your tree. You can also put stockings up and then put candy inside, like candy canes. And you get little stuffies inside your stocking. You can get different things like more pieces of candy. I would like diamond art for Christmas. Santa, could you bring the other kids something nice? To help other people have a good Christmas I could give donations. Have a good Christmas Santa.

Sincerely, Lyrik 

Dear Santa,

Hi, my name is Ashlynn. I am 8 years old. How are you? Santa, how are your reindeer? And how is Rudolph the red nosed reindeer? Did you know that I put tricycles away at school? I helped decorate the Christmas tree, and I do my dishes and watch my brother and sister. May I please have 3 coloring books? Can you get dress up high heels for my sister please? Can you get my brother Pokemon cards? My favorite thing I like to do is go sledding with my family. That is my perfect Christmas. We go to my cousin's house and we go sledding. To help other people have a good Christmas I could get them presents, and I can help make breakfast too. What will you do this Christmas?

Sincerely, Ashlynn

Dear Santa Claus

Hi, my name is Charles Mead. Do you feed your reindeer magic carrots then they fly? This year I have been good, but me and my sister sometimes argue. One nice thing I did this year was finding books for friends at school in the library. I help my mom do dishes and help my dad work at the shop. This year please give me an RC car that's really fast and some gorilla glue please. And some tires that go on water, like really hard plastic for the RC car. Please give my sister a LOL Surprise, they are little dolls my sister likes. Can you please give my kitties a brand-new cat house? A perfect Christmas would be eating cookies the whole day with lots of milk. Please give the whole world skittles in their stockings. To help people have a good Christmas I could make them pizza. If people are bad for Christmas, how can you hold a big bag of coal and so many toys? Make sure not to get a frostbite.

Sincerely, Charles Mead

Dear Santa,

How old are you? I'm 8 years old. Are you magical? I am a good boy. I help my family a lot. I help by putting the trash in the garbage can, and picking up after the dog. My perfect Christmas would be spending time with my family. I would like Pokemon cards, and candy for Christmas. Is it cold there? Do you eat food? Are you nice? If I could get a gift for someone it would be for my dog. I would get her a dog toy. Can you bring something nice for my brothers and sisters please? Merry Christmas Santa Claus.

From Nathan Hagfeldt.

Dear Santa 

My name is Jacob. Do you like giving toys to kids? Is it fun to ride in your sleigh? What Christmas movie do you like? How are you doing? How are the reindeer? Do you help your elves? Have I been pretty good this year? I have cleaned the whole bathroom except the toilet, and I did the dishes and cleaned a little bit of the basement. I would like a new BMX Bike for Christmas. My perfect Christmas would be if it snows 3 whole feet and if I got the fastest sled in the world! Also, If I could get two 20-dollar bills and share it with my two brothers. They would each get a 20. How I can help other people have a good Christmas is if I give them a present for Christmas, and I maybe give them hot coco. I might give someone something cool. And also, which state do you start with in the USA? Which continent do you start with? How many times do you actually check your list? Have a merry Christmas!

Sincerely, Jacob. W

Dear Santa,

How are you? How is Rudolf? I have been good this year. I think you are amazing. One good thing I did was I helped put away the tricycles at school. I help my family look for Christmas lights, and help them put stuff up. I do my chores, like feeding the chickens and gathering eggs. For Christmas I would like a pool for my family. And a Christmas miracle for the world, like everybody gets presents. I am happy that Christmas is here. 

I love the snow. My perfect Christmas would have snow. If I could give my sister a gift it would be a llama for Christmas. Please come to our Christmas concert. Please give everyone in the world a gift. And for me I would like a remote-controlled car please. Have a good Christmas.

Sincerely, Traecyn

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? Are you good? You are the best! Am I bad or good? What nice things have I done for family or friends? I help my brother and I help my mom do some chores. I take out the trash and put clothes in the laundry. I think my brother would like a new remote for his PS4. Santa, do you like cold cookies? Do you like hot cookies? Do you like cold food? Or hot food? And Santa, can I get some presents too? Santa, can you make it the perfect Christmas? I think a perfect Christmas is to be nice to people and help people. I can help people carry presents, or help people who are hurt. Merry Christmas Santa.

Sincerely, Noah

Dear Santa,

Hello Santa. How are you doing Santa? Santa, have you ever gotten burnt on a fireplace? Also, I have been very good this year. In fact, I got student of the month this year! I have done a lot to help this year. I did stuff like going with my mom to work and sweeping. I also raked pine needles for a fire we had. I feed the dogs sometimes too. So, this is what I would like for Christmas: first, I want a hoverboard and an oculus please. Also, I need my four-wheeler fixed too. This is what I would get for my mom and dad; I would get my mom and dad a nice painting for their room. I would get my sisters pineapples because they love them for some reason. I think I could help others with their Christmas by helping set up their decorations and maybe give them a gift or two. Santa, when you put those M&M tubes that are in the shape of candy Canes, please add color because I am getting bored of the clear ones. Merry Christmas Santa! Or happy holidays.

Sincerely, Kane Culley

Dear Santa

Hi, I'm Josiah Nichols. Have you ever burnt yourself in a fire? Do you eat KFC? I've been super good this year, I mean besides asking you if you burnt yourself on a fire. I did all my chores. I helped my dad work on stuff, and put in a new engine in our go-kart, and I've been super good this year. I would like: an RC snowmobile, a pocket rocket, a gas-powered RC car, and a watch for Christmas. My sister wants a flute for Christmas, and my dogs want dog bones, and my cat wants a xmax RC car so he can crawl inside it and make me drive it. He also wants bumble bee tuna. My dad probably wants nothing? Or does he want something? I don't know what he wants, just bring him something nice. My perfect Christmas would be getting 5 feet of snow. Merry Christmas Santa.

Sincerely, Josiah Nichols

Dear Santa

My name is Rhonda and I am nine years old. I weigh 60 pounds. How old are you and how much do you weigh Santa? How is your family today, and what are you doing today? I've been good in school this year and I help in school a ton. I would like to have a ton of presents for my family. A perfect Christmas would be to spend time with my family and play in the snow. I know someone who needs presents for Christmas, so I can help him have a good Christmas by getting him presents. My family gets presents for other people to help them have a good Christmas. Merry Christmas Santa.

Love, Rhonda Yutzy

Mr. Bryan

Third Grade

My Christmas

By Guujii Geroux-Meske

I like Christmas and opening presents. I like going to my Grammy's house to eat cookies!

My Perfect Christmas

By Cameron Phinney

I would like to go to the North pole to see Santa and the elves. I would Like to see a polar bear. I would eat chicken. It would to be nice to people. That's my perfect Christmas.

My Perfect Christmas

By Kalder Mayberry

The perfect Christmas would be at my house, and I will help my Dad cook Prime Rib. Then we will open presents. After that we will play with them. That's my Perfect Christmas.

My Perfect Christmas

By Graham Yost

My perfect Christmas would be with family and friends. We would eat pumpkin pie and chicken and broccoli. But best of all my mom would make her apple cider. Then we would go to bed and wake up and... OPEN PRESENTS. And I can't wait until my brother opens his present from me. Merry Christmas!

My Perfect Christmas

By Natalie Lewis

My perfect Christmas is at grandma's house. We always bring presents. A family picks one present then opens them. Once my cousin got champagne. My sister got Whiskey. She thought it was a water bottle. We all laughed! We played games and sat on fake Santa's lap. It was my papa! We had ham, potato salad, and beef stew! Hot Cocoa, cookies, and candy canes! That is my Christmas!

My Perfect Christmas!!!

By Acelynn Cleveland Herald

This is my perfect Christmas. I would like to go to Texas with my Aunt Mary and Uncle Bo Bo. I would like to play board games and eat salmon and cake. If there was a homeless person I would help him and bring him inside my house and hive home some food and give him some money and when he gets a house we will buy him some sofa and a tv and a car and lots and lots and lots of food and after that I would go back home sleep and the next I would check on my friend and hang out and when it got home I would go home and open my presents. That's my perfect Christmas!!!

My Perfect Christmas


This is what my perfect Christmas would be like. I Would go to my Mom and Dad's house. We would eat crab legs, shrimp, and drink water. Then we would play board games. That is my perfect Christmas.

My Perfect Christmas

by Zoe Anderson

This is what my perfect Christmas would be like. My family and I would go to my cousin's house. And have Christmas dinner. This is what we would eat: pie, chicken and pudding, salad and soup and fruit. We would open gifts. This is what we would do: play board games and watch Christmas movies. My family and I would stay at my cousins' house for four or five days. That would be my perfect Christmas.


By Branson Martin

My perfect Christmas would go like this. We Would wake up and have a really good breakfast like pancakes, sausage, eggs, and hash browns. Then we would go to Grandmas and open presents. Next, we would go shopping. Last, we would go home and open even more presents! And then we would call a friend to invite to go sledding. That's how my Christmas would go.

My Perfect Christmas

By Lily Smith

This is what my perfect Christmas would be like. It would be at a warm, cozy cabin. I would watch Christmas movies. I would drink hot chocolate with whipped cream. I would go sledding and build a snowman and catch snowflakes. My family would do the Wishing Tree for kids in need. That's my perfect Christmas! Merry Christmas!

My Perfect Christmas

By Auston Ferguson

My perfect Christmas would be at my house. My Mom would usually call my Grandma and my Grandpa and all of my family. Then when they all get here we would gather up and watch TV in the living room. After that we would open presents. Then we would go Christmas caroling around town. It is really fun! My mom would have a list of Christmas songs in her purse. That's my perfect Christmas.

My Christmas

by Sawyer Dieu

This is my perfect Christmas. We eat snow cones and so much more. We play in the snow and make a snowman. It is my whole family. We also drink hot chocolate. I'm going to give my friend an ornament. That's my perfect Christmas!!!!

My Perfect Christmas

By Ronan Gemmell

I will go to my Grandma's House. I will eat turkey and Christmas cookies. There will be my sisters, Mom and Dad, grandmother and grandfather, cousins, and half-brother. Play with my cousins. Open presents. Sing Christmas songs. That would be my favorite Christmas.



MY family and I would go to the Wild Horse Hotel and also go to the swimming pool. After me and my family was finally done drying off we all went to our rooms. There was a Christmas tree and there were a lot of presents in the room. Then we went to my mom and dad's room and we told them. Then they said Santa told me that he got you and your brother a special present.

Knock knock knock.

Who's there?


Can I have some money?

Ya, here is $1,000,000 and a Lamborghini and a Bugatti. There is also some hot cocoa and a Ferrari...and that was the best Christmas ever.

My perfect Christmas

By Phoenix Stapelton

My perfect Christmas would have all of my family. We would eat roast, stuffing, mashed potatoes, veggies, pie, and cookies. My sister and I would wake my parents up at 5am to go open our stockings. Later we would all have gifts for each other.That is my perfect Christmas.

My Perfect Christmas!!!

By Brenna Moore-Rodriquez

For my perfect Christmas I will go to my house or Puerto Rico with my family and we will open presents. We will eat the candy from the stocking. I will be nicer to my mom because she gets annoyed by me. That's the perfect Christmas. Hopefully it will be a peaceful Christmas.

Mrs. Farrell



Dear Santa,

Hi! What I really want for Christmas is a walkie talky and a popit. I have been good but sometimes I some really bad times. I am going to open the elf on shelf and I think you have been good. This year I wish I can see you this Christmas in the middle of the night but I have stay asleep. I am going leave some cookies and milk and Carrots. I have been watching Christmas Movies and sometimes My mom has really hard times. Merry Christmas Santa 

Sincerely, Brycen

Dear Santa

I really don't want anything. I guess I want a happy Christmas with my mom, dad and brother.

Sincerely, BERTHA.

Dear Santa,

I would like a Pit bike. It would be really nice if you could make sure it snows a lot. I really enjoy sledding and playing in the snow so if we don't have any I can't play in it. I would like to make sure all the kids in my class get some presents from you. Can you make Christmas break longer too? For my best friend Ruben from Walla Walla, can you get him a present too and I want to spend more time with him please?

Eddie Vela Thank you

Dear Santa,

I would like a new blanket, a fidget surprise box, a 3d drawing set with some anime boy, girl and animal coloring pages, some LED lights, some new cute masks, and a stuffed animal.

Dear Santa,

I want a stuffed animal cow. I would also like a cow poster and arts like colored pencils. I would like new cow blankets and a cow toy and a surprise toy like a candy lox. It would be lovely if we could have snowed the size of our shoe in Walla Walla because it is fun to go sledding in the snow. I love Christmas lights also anything with cows please wrap it up before I open the mailbox. OH, and one more thing I would love is a new stress ball fidget. I like the ones that feel squishy and watery and some nice new roller skates even though I know I have one pair The End!

Zoe Houston

Dear Santa, I want LED lights, vines and fairy lights, a new bed set , Converse shoes , a dresser, some new cute clothes , some school supplies for school , some cute masks ,and a new phone.

Sincerely, Zoya

Dear Santa, 

I would like a St. Bernard stuffed animal puppy, a fox and a reindeer. I also would like 1 blanket for me and 1 for Silas. That's all!

Thank you. Kolton

Dear Santa,

I would like to thank you for all the presents throughout the years. You have been very kind to children all over the world including me. For this year I would like to formally ask you for an Oculus Quest 2. That will be all for this year but if you give me more than I asked for like you often do I don't mind.

Sincerely, Taylor

Dear Santa,

I would like a Nintendo switch and a remote-control car, Pokémon cards that are old because my mom Whitney thinks the new cards are pretty lame and I think I want old cards because they'll be worth something! I've been pretty bad this year and I'll try to be better next year. I want a lot of mochi's4 for Christmas with a phone. My mom doesn't want to give me a phone.

Sincerely, Raider

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is a baby German Shepherd. I like baby German Shepherds Because there cute and sometimes fluffy. The second thing I want for Christmas is a Nerf hand Cannon and a Nerf Thermal Scope Assault Rifle. The Third thing I want for Christmas is a revolver from Nerf. The fourth thing I want for Christmas Is a new bed. And that's what I want for Christmas.

Sincerely Christian Souza

Dear Santa,

My name is Brooklyn. How many reindeer do you have? My Christmas wishes are a Bearded Dragon, and a new phone case. Can you please bring my brother Landon a phone and my dog Roxy a Dog bone? Please bring my mom and I a Boston Terrier and my dad, I haven't thought of anything for him yet.

Sincerely Brooklyn Pounds.

Dear Santa, 

Instead of toys, I really want a new bed sheet for Christmas, since my brother wrote his name in his 5-year-old handwriting with a sharpie! Also, I'd like a new bike helmet. I want a new ski set for myself since in February I'm going on a ski trip! Now for toys. I want a jumbo pop-it, a new tablet or I-phone. Both would do since my tablet is old and doesn't work so well. I want new batteries for my karaoke machine, a bake set, some slime, those stress ball things with the net on the outside, and cat clothes for my cat Silver. Thank you!

Sincerely, Brailyn Marie Stearns

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is a baby German Shepherd like Christian. The second thing I want is a SpaceX T-shirt. The third thing I want is a blow dart gun. The fourth thing I want for Christmas is a pellet gun that you have to crack. The Fifth thing I want for Christmas is a dartboard that is blue. The six thing I want for Christmas is a thermal scope for my pellet gun. That is what I want for Christmas.

Sincerely, Mason Sinkbeil.

Dear Santa, 

I want a Bearded dragon for Christmas, a new cowgirl hat, ball caps, and a new saddle. You can come watch me at the rodeo. A new phone iPhone SE. Can you bring my dog a toy, a new blanket for me but my sister does not get one of them? I want nails foolish. That is what I want for Christmas. New bell bottom jeans, and leggings and a walkie talkie.

Sincerely, Tyla mire Magill-Katsel

Dear Santa, what I want for Christmas is a new game called arms on Nintendo. What else I want is some Fortnite v-bucks and Fortnite nerf guns.

Sincerely Camden.

Mrs. Richards

Mrs. Reser

Fifth Grade

Christmas break smells like yummy dinner rolls and mashed potatoes and gravy. Christmas break looks like happiness and lots and lots of presents. Christmas break feels like 2 weeks of no school work or home work. Christmas break tastes like YYYUUUMMMYYY MASHED POTATOES & GRAVY.Christmas break sounds like carolers singing on my porch and my mother listening to the same christmas song over and over again.


Christmas break smells like making peanut brittle in the kitchen. Christmas break looks like a big family coming together. Christmas break feels like a warm snuggle from loved ones. Christmas break tastes like delicious fresh baked cookies. Christmas break sounds like footsteps running to their stockings on Christmas.


Christmas break smells like cookies Christmas break looks like presents Christmas break feels like freedom Christmas break tastes like eggnogChristmas break sounds like aaaaaaaaa


Christmas break smells cooking in the kitchen on Christmas EveChristmas break looks like snow on ground in the morning Christmas break feels like a sled crash on the hill at night Christmas break tastes like cookies at night getting ready for bed Christmas break sounds like carolers on my porch at night. 


Christmas break smells like burnt Christmas cookies in the kitchen. Christmas break looks like my cat staring at me from the christmas tree. Christmas break feels like a great Christmas break from school. Christmas break tastes like delicious cookies fresh from the oven. Christmas break sounds like eggnog being poured into a glass.


Christmas break smells like my mom cooking in the kichen Christmas break looks like me run to see what my mom got me Christmas break feels like amazing Christmas break tastes like my grandmas amazing cookies Christmas break sounds like singing at my door.


Christmas break smells like my family and I decorating our pine Christmas tree. Christmas break looks like me hitting my brother in the face with his stocking to wake him up. Christmas break feels like my family and I sledding in the snowy sematary. Christmas break tastes like my grandma's amazing turkey and sparkling cider. Christmas break sounds like my family and I opening are presents on christmas morning


Christmas break smells like my dog digging in the trash for christmas cookies Christmas break looks like more of my dogs digging in the trash for christmas cookies Christmas break feels like just me telling my dogs to stop Christmas break tastes like frosted chocolate christmas cookies on the 25th Christmas break sounds like the sounds of paper rustling because my dogs are digging in the trash


Christmas break smells like cookies baking in the oven. Christmas break looks like presents open for the family. Christmas break feels like cold snow on my face. Christmas break tastes like warm baked chocolate cookies. Christmas break sounds like hot fires crackling.


Christmas break smells like my mom and I making Christmas cookies Christmas break looks like a bunch of snow on the ground Christmas break feels like cooking christmas dinner with my dad Christmas break tastes like eating christmas dinner with my family Christmas break sounds like my cat knocking ornaments off the christmas tree


Christmas break smells like pine cones Christmas break looks like snow falling Christmas break feels like sleeping in Christmas break tastes like candy and cookies Christmas break sounds like movies and christmas songs 


Christmas break smells like cookies that we are baking Christmas break looks like jingle bells jingling and ringing and dinging of joy Christmas break feels like love and peace and fun and hope that we will be forever loved Christmas break tastes like cookies that we are baking and laughing with joy that we have Christmas break sounds like our beautiful songs that we sing


Christmas break smells like green pine trees in the snow Christmas break looks like jolly santa all over the big grey house Christmas break feels like a hot fire in the fireplace at my house. Christmas break tastes like sweet gingerbread that Anthony can't eat Christmas break sounds like Christmas carols outside in the snow


Christmas break smells like a million cookies my grandma made. Christmas break looks like so many lights on the big house. Christmas break feels like a lot of hugs and presents. 

Christmas break tastes like a lot of desserts, turkey, and eggnog. Christmas break sounds like lots of songs and delightful things. 


Christmas break smells like my mom baking chocolate chip cookies Christmas break looks like snow all around the house Christmas break feels like a cold season right now to me Christmas break tastes like a cup of hot chocolate in my mouth Christmas break sounds like santa coming down to me


Christmas break smells like soaked, naughty dogs and ginger ale Christmas break looks like two extra weeks of soaked and messy dogs *cough* Christmas Christmas break feels like bread dough and soaked, messy and smelly dogs Christmas break tastes like CANDY YYY oh and soaked, messy, smelly and wet dogs Christmas break sounds like two weeks soaked, messy, smelly, wet and dirty dog cleaning


Christmas break smells like me cooking in the kitchen Christmas break looks like snow falling from the sky Christmas break feels like relaxing at the couch and watch the snow fall Christmas break tastes like cookies and presents Christmas break sounds like fun you can play in the snow and have hot coco


Christmas break smells like sugar cookies with cream cheese frosting Christmas break looks like kids eating frosted sugar cookies on the couch Christmas break feels like a really cold breeze and snow touching you Christmas break tastes like sugar cookies constantly going in your mouth Christmas break sounds like kids shouting and laughing out on the snow


Christmas break smells like Christmas cookies in the oven Christmas break looks like a snowy day with lots of kids sledding Christmas break feels like hot chocolate Christmas break tastes like candy cane Christmas break sounds like people singing Christmas songs 


Christmas break smells like delicious hot chocolate in the kitchen.  Christmas break looks like pretty snowflakes flying in the air. Christmas break feels like sleeping in my warm bed on Saturday. Christmas break tastes like a delicious winter feast with my family. Christmas break sounds like my sister yelling when I annoy her.


Christmas break smells like delicious smelling cookies and christmas trees Christmas break looks like bright lights and happy people. Christmas break feels like happiness and fun. Christmas break tastes like delicious food and cookies. Christmas break sounds like Christmas music and fun.


Christmas break smells like chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven Christmas break looks like beautiful decorated houses everywhere you look Christmas break feels like chocolate chip cookie dough and hot cocoa burning your mouth Christmas break tastes like burning hot hot cocoa right as your coming inside Christmas break sounds like booming Christmas carols whenever you open the door


Christmas break smells like cookies and gingerbread. Christmas break looks like Santa dropping presents off. Christmas break feels like snow dropping on your skin. Christmas break tastes like candy canes and ham. Christmas break sounds like reindeers bells and Santa's sleigh.


Christmas break smells like cookies and gingerbread. Christmas break looks like Santa dropping presents off. Christmas break feels like snow dropping on your skin. Christmas break tastes like candy canes and ham. Christmas break sounds like reindeers bells and Santa's sleigh.


Christmas break smells like evergreen trees with snow on them. Christmas break looks like me waking up at 4 o'clock. Christmas break feels like video games and snow angels with snowmen. Christmas break tastes like grandma's chocolate chip cookies on a sunday. Christmas break sounds like jingle bells and a little christmas spirit.


Christmas break smells like me and my grandmother making cookies Christmas break looks like me playing in the snow with my dogs. Christmas break feels like me being home with my family. Christmas break tastes like my grandmother's homemade rolls and ham.


Christmas break smells like candy canes and sugar cookies Christmas break look like my cute pug christmas tree sparkling Christmas break feel like love and joy and fun and playing Christmas break tastes like cookies french toast Christmas break sounds like really really loud and happy cheers


Christmas break smells like roasting cinnamon apples Christmas break looks like twinkling lights

Christmas break feels like opening presents Christmas break tastes like hot chocolate Christmas break sounds like Christmas music that I can dance to


Christmas break smells like a beautiful breeze. Christmas break looks like little stars shining so bright. Christmas break feels like a nice time to be with family. Christmas break tastes like sugar cookies. Christmas break sounds like calming Christmas music.


Sixth Grade Language Arts

Mr. McCann

How christmas started

A long time ago.....

There was a village far from humans. The village is called ELF TOPEYA. It was a village to get away from the humans. Humans hate elves; they would bake them and use their heads to scare crows. It was really rude. So the elfs ran away to start their own life and even built their own village which you guys know is ELFTOPEYA. But back to the story elfs love to make sweets. It is what they do. They will also make toys and really cool stuff.

But one day the elfs found a little boy named christmas he was a human. But the elfs loved him dearly. When christmas was 17 he was too tall for the elfs to take care of him so they built him his own house to live and take care of himself.

But one day christmas found a book in the great old elf tree he found that he was a human but that the elfs told him he was a elf but just built different so he told every elf in ELFTOPEYA that he was a human but all the elfs laughed and all said "we know dear christmas"

Julianne Bowen

Mom said, " We will not go to Shreks Christmas party because your dad won't get off of work in time. When they got home Jimmy-Bob ran inside and packed his bags. He went to bed so that he could wake up in five hours. He woke up then and he snuck out to go to Shreks Christmas party.

Something bad happened! Jimmy-Bob's dad pulled up and caught him out late. Then, he got grounded for a week but before he went to his room he saw a flying boat! It landed in his backyard and Shrek jumped off the boat to get the boy then Shrek and the boy jumped back on the boat and took off.

Then something weird happened. The boat had disappeared! The mom and the dad screamed. Then they fell off the porch into the trash can and landed on cats. They got out of the trash can and into the car and they went around the town looking for a flying boat.

They were so sad. They called the cops and he said, "Hurry help, Shrek and his gang took my son and left in a flying boat! The cop said, "Shut up you disabled cow!" They then hung up and went home so sadly.

Then they got a call from Shrek and they missed it. They called back later and he answered. Shrek said, "You are invited to my Christmas party. The only reason I took your son, Jimmy-Bob, was because he had called me and said that he was a huge fan, and that he also said you guys were ok with it."

They said,"Ok we're coming.". They jumped into the car and they speeded off. When they got there their son was there and super happy. It ended happily ever after.

Tristin Baker

I had walked downstairs on Christmas Eve. I was so excited! We had this cool tradition where we would invite everyone to a Christmas dinner. I smelt honey glazed ham. I got downstairs and noticed that my mom wasn't in the kitchen, then I looked everywhere. I still couldn't find her! I started to worry and then I heard a shrill scream coming from the treehouse.

I ran outside leaving the door open. I got distracted by the snow. The snow was white, then pink, then red. As I saw the snow fade into red, I saw my mother, but she was not standing. Blood was everywhere. I immediately called 911, then I called my sister, Lina.

I heard the sirens. The, "WEE WOO", was not a pleasant sound. They lifted her on the stretcher, then I felt someone picking me up and next thing I know, I was in a cop car.

As we had reached the hospital, I met up with my sister, Lina. "What happened Eli?!", my sister asked. I ignored her and started to sob.

We reached my Aunts house around three hours later, and then she broke the news to us, our mom was in a coma...

That was last year. Today was Christmas Eve, my mom's coma anniversary. I had walked downstairs then my Aunt had spoken.

"Eli, your mom will be taken off life support today. I'm sorry." Then she started to cry.

I ran upstairs to my room. An hour later, my aunt came up and asked, "Do you want to see your mom?", and ofcourse I said yes.

I went downstairs and my shoes weren't there, so I went to the living room to ask my Aunt and their my mother was.

My mom said, "Merry Christmas my Eli!"

The end!

Farrah Hicks

A kid named Jack woke up on a cruise boat on christmas eve. He got out of bed and looked out the boat's balcony.He saw snow falling from the sky and landed on his coat. He looked up in the sky and saw nothing but snow.He walked back in his room and turned on the TV. He sat down and watched Mickey mouse. Then, the TV show started to get weird. Mickey asked,

"Come on Jack lets go!" it got weird, then in a blink of an eye he was in the actual clubhouse. He started to freak out. He went over to Donald Duck to say hello.

"Hi," said Jack.

"Hello," said Donald Duck. Then, Jack noticed he was lost in a whole new world. He ran towards Mickey.

"Mickey, I need help. I think I'm lost. I need to get home" said Jack. Then he looks over his shoulder and then wow he sees a huge monster. He looks like a shrek mixed cow and he was really fat and he was so scary. Jack was so confused and Jack threw a rock at his big stomach and the monster groaned and fell. Then, He ran toward the rocket ship and blasted off. Shrek got back up and grabbed onto the rocket ship and hid inside. Then, Shrek pulled him off of the ship. He was falling towards earth.

"AHHHHHH!!" he screamed. Then, he fell into earth's atmosphere and before he hit the ground, he woke up, it was all a dream. And he was in his own house awake in his bed. Then, he saw his dad back from the army in a shrek costume. All his dream was, was telling him his dad came back! This was the best Christmas ever!

Brayden Wiley

There was a boy named Demetrius Demarcus Bartholemew James the third Jr. but we will call him De. De was a 13 year old boy who loved to ski and he would go every winter and almost every day in the winter. He was amazing at it too. And that is where our story starts. De and his mom Linda were on their way to the ski lodge and De was hungry. They stopped to get food then kept going. It was the day before Christmas and De was happy. They got there and went up to go get in. They got in and started to go skiing. De's brother George was skiing for the first time which was awesome. They were skiing a lot and went to the lodge mid day to get some food. They got a box of pizza and then went to sit down. Then De saw his friend Marquese. We will call him Mar. he loved skiing too and they said they were going to chill in the lodge for a bit so they did.they played games like pacman,snake, call of duty and subnautica. Then they went skiing again and they went on one run and fell into a hole and found a grizzly bear. They tried to get out but they couldn't. The grizzly bear started charging then they got out. They ran back to Des mom and told her everything. They went home on Christmas and went to sleep. They all woke up and ran downstairs to get their presents. De got a new pair of skis and they had a good rest of christmas and christmas dinner with ham and chicken and all of the above and they were very happy they had a very very very VERY good Christmas

Ashton Cook

The missing Santa

It was the 24th of December and everything was great. We were all in the living room watching the Night Before Christmas. Me, Jimmy ( my little brother), Sam ( my oldest brother), and Kate ( my twin sister).

Mom and dad were Christmas shopping. Mom told me to watch the cookies that were baking for Santa. I had the idea to make sugar cookies. While I was watching the movie Sam asked, " Hey Danny,want to go to the store?" Mom had told us to stay home. " Sam's mom told us not to leave the house, so no." You could just tell that Sam was disappointed. It was hard to say no,but I knew that it was the right thing to do.

Kate said, " I'm going to bed."Right after she said that there was a loud knock at the door.We all got frightened and ran straight to our room. " I'll go and check." Sam told us. As he walked away we all got worried. We heard him say," Who's there?" " Santa?mom?dad? anyone?" No one answered. Then all of the sudden they say, " SANTA" " Guys it's Santa come he fast." Sam said. As we all run to the door Sam opens it. " SANTA!" Santa asked, " Where are your guys's parents?" " They went Christmas shopping." I said. " Well well well what are your guys names?" I said, ``I'm Danny, this is Sam,this is Kate and this is Jimmy." " Nice." We were so excited to see Santa.

Mom and dad right then busted into the house. I knew they would be happy. Nothing could go wrong. But right as we were about to say something I turned around and Santa was gone. Where did he go? Thankfully when we woke up the next morning Santa had eaten the cookie.

Rozlyn Magill Katsel

Christmas for my family

During the month of December my house gets very festive.

When the month of December is here my family will start to put up Christmas decorations.

After we get all the decorations put up we will start to go Christmas shopping. When we go Christmas shopping we normally spend three to four hours shopping. We get gifts for the neighbors and our family.

Once we have finished shopping we go to start wrapping the presents. Then after we wrapped all the presents if it is one for the neighbors we will go give it to them. After we do that we put our presents under the tree.

When we have Christmas we have a big family gathering. We have family from everywhere. We have in-laws and relatives everyone. Once Christmas is upon us we will be wearing Christmas clothes like Pj's and sweaters. Then we'll start passing out the presents. After we pass out all of the presents we'll start with one person and go one by one. Then everyone will start opening their presents. While someone's opening their presents someone will be recording their reaction. After everyone has opened their presents we will start picking up all of the trash. Once all of the trash has been picked up and taken out. We will exchange hugs. After we exchange hugs, sadly everyone has to leave.

Korbyn Osborn

A Christmas dream

"Hey Maxwell, can you bring me the cookie batter please?" Asked bradford." "where is it?" Questioned Maxwell." "On the counter by the sink." Bradford Replied. "Okay." "What time will we leave for the plane?" "6:30." Answered Bradford. "Got it. Said Maxwell. "Let's watch a movie while we wait." Suggested Brandford. "Sounds great." Said Maxwell.

"Okay I think the cookies are done." Bradford commented. "Go get them and we will have a nice cup of milk with them, but leave some for santa." Maxwell said. "I almost forgot to get him a plate of cookies." Bradford said.

"Wake up, Wake up!" Shouted Bradford. "What, What?" Asked Maxwell. "It's time to go!" Yelled Bradford. "Good thing I have the bags packed." Commented Bradford. "Yah." answered Maxwell. "Okay the taxi is outside waiting for us, Lets go" Said Bradford. To New York Central Airport. "VROOM!" "That will cost you fifteen dollars." Said the taxi driver. "Here." answered Maxwell as he handed him the cash. "Let's get on that plane." Bradford said.

"Hello ma'am, is this plane exit 3087?" Asked Brandford Once they both got to the plane boarding section. "Why yes it is, You just made it, Let me see your ticket." Said the flight attendant. "Here's mine, and here's his." Answered Bradford. "I can't believe that we got first class tickets!" Said Maxwell excitedly. "Well I'm gonna take a nap." Said Bradford. "Me too." Said Maxwell

"Wow where am I?" Asked Brandford when he woke up. He was OUTSIDE! "Well kid you're on Santa's sleigh and he wants to talk." Answered a small elf. "Okay." Answered Bradford. "Hey kid, how about you take this and jump into the chimney below." Said Santa. "ABSOLUTELY!" "1...2..3"! Bradford counted as he jumped. "AH!" Branford exclaimed as he woke up in his bed.

Karmain Pollan

Rudolph Saves Christmas

YAY! It was Christmas Eve and everyone was happy. Until they went outside and saw the sleigh was broken and Dasher was hurt. They looked around and saw Blitzen and Vixen sitting in the middle of it. If that wasn't bad enough Santa came outside and was furious. He yelled, ¨ WHAT HAPPENED? NOW WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!¨

Right away Rudolph got to work helping Dasher, while everyone else was rebuilding the sleigh. It looks like Dasher has a broken leg. Rudolph went into Santa's workshop and found magic healing dust. He brought it to Dasher and sprinkled it on his leg, it would take a few minutes to work.

OH NO! They were already 20 minutes late. When they finally finished the sleigh they were VERY late. ¨Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph are you ready?¨ Shouted Santa. Everything was fine until they approached their last house. Some of the kids were already awake! Santa had to be extra careful. When he got back he had cookies and apples. That was the last house, they were on their way home. When they were on their way home dawn was approaching. Almost everyone's dogs started barking at Santa and his reindeer.

When they finally got home Santa was still in a bad mood. Blitzer and Vixen had to clean up the remaining mess. They also weren't going to get any hot chocolate. That made the other reindeer feel bad for Blitzer and Vixen so they all shared with them. Then Mrs. Clause gave them all treats and it turned into a very merry Christmas.

Georgia Reser

It was christmas eve and everyone was sitting around the fireplace. Carter was trying to peek at the presents " if i move the tape ever so slightly" he thought to himself. " stop that!" katelyn yelled, "you have to wait till morning" she said sternly. "Of course you would say that" carter said annoyed, " stop fighting you two" their mother said " you have to wait till morning carter". "Why?" he asked " because santa comes tonight" their mother said, " mom..santa isn't real" carter said walking to his room. Katelyn put her hand over her ears and walked to her room. "What am i gonna do with that boy..." the mother said. Carter fell asleep for a while but was woken up by a bell noise, he walked slowly out to see santa standing by the tree eating a cookie. "Woah" carter thought. He ran and woke everyone up but when he came back santa was gone. But laying on the floor was a photo of him eating the cookie.

Daniela Souza

My Perfect Christmas

By: Graci Turner

My Perfect Christmas was in 2019. 2019 was the best year ever. My Perfect Christmas all began when we went down to my Grandma Val's & Papa Rick's because my sister was supposed to be born. We went really early. Then, we couldn't go back to sleep, so we went out at 5 in the morning to open presents from Santa. We had a little breakfast because later we had to go to my Grandma Janet and Papa Don's house for Christmas. So we got ready to go, soon we were at Grandma Janets. We ate brunch with our family. After brunch, we opened our presents. We played with our cousins. Their names are Jaycee, Kellen, Delaynee, Judson, Harlee, Ellie, Nyla, Jones. Those were all the cousins that were there, but we have more. We played cows and horses. We talked, and asked if we picked out our steers. There was this creepy doll downstairs, My cousin Jaycee swears she didn't put a note by it, she didn't. The doll is haunted. We spent a lot of time with family. We played a charades game, We redrew Cow Camp and And got some more ideas on how to rebuild the cabin. We ate desserts and food. We had sparkling cider. The cinnamon rolls were delicious. This is my Perfect Christmas.

Graicyn Turner

It was Christmas eve and I wasn't at home sitting in front of the fire opening presents and having a good time, I was at the hospital getting an MRI to see if I had cancer. After the MRI had finished I was told, ¨you may get up and go to your mom¨. I exited the room, I saw my mom right there waiting for me like she said she would. I ran towards her saying, ¨That thing scare me momma¨. She replied ¨I bet it was pumpkin¨. We both went back to the hospital bed and waited after about 30 min i fell asleep. After about what felt like hours I was woken up by a faint sniffling and crying then I heard the doctor say ¨ I'm sorry mam¨. When i woke up i said to momma ¨i had a crazy dream you were crying but you don't do that your tough just like me!¨ Now exactly 15 years later i can still see that scene very vividly. Usually, on my birthday 12/25/16 I usually stay home and work on it, what's it you may ask well the cure for cancer that's what. Now since it's my 21st birthday I might as well go out and take some shots but not until I finish it so I go back to my campus lab and stare at the Harvard sign. Wow, look how far I've come. Then went inside the lab and started working. Finally after about 700 hours of thinking and 400 more testing I finally did it the cure for cancer. So before all the interviews and things come in I go to my mom's grave and say I did it momma I beat cancer. 16 years later my kid has cancer but I know she will survive

Nickolas Vance

Why no one can catch santa.

Santa comes every year and puts presents under your tree. Do you ever wonder why you can't catch santa?

Well once there was a little girl and she was curious so she stayed up one christmas eve. She wanted to be the first one to ever catch santa. She set up traps for santa.she new santa was very careful so she set up s lot. She thought that Santa wasn't going to get out of that one.

She eventually fell asleep but was soon awakened by bells and hooves on the roof. She faked being asleep so sant would think she was sleeping. Then one of the worst things happened, she had to sneeze. She tried to hold it in but she couldn't hold it any longer. "Aaachooo" she sneezed really loud.

Santa was climbing down the chimney. She was lying in front of her tree. He saw her and heard her sneeze. He was trying to climb up the chimney. He singled his elves to pull home up. When he got out of the chimney he got in his sleigh and flew off.

When he made his way back around to her house he used his detector to see if anyone was awake. Just to be safe. He sent his elves to deliver the presents. They didn't set off any traps. They grabbed all the cookies and carrots too.

She woke up the next day and saw that none of her traps went off. She heard her parents get ready up stairs and cleaned up really quick. She got done cleaning in the nick of time. They opened presents and she was really happy with what she got.she realised in that moment she couldn't catch santa because he is magical.

Audrey Walker


We arrived at the toy store to shop, my mom didn't like to go to the toy store because mom would bring back more than my mom would have wanted to but it was an occasion, christmas was almost here. I wanted to get almost everything, mom convinced me to only get a doll and some books for myself, and got my little brother a toy tractor.

I helped make dinner, then dad drove up the driveway. I looked through the window and dad had a Christmas tree on the top of his truck. He was unloading the tree while my little brother ran out to greet him. We were going to go decorate the tree after dinner. I was putting on decorations. Once we were done it looked so festive I could almost feel the Christmas spirit.

A Few Days Later, I was fixing our countdown clock, when I realized it was Christmas eve!! I wanted to get a good night's sleep for all the excitement tomorrow. I went to bed and fell to sleep right away. I woke up and my alarm was blaring at me. I sleep in, it was 9:00!! I ate my cold pancakes and eggs. I started reading my books and playing with my dolls. After dinner, I had to do dishes and then we could open presents. I was looking at the presents and found only like 3 or 4. I was kind of disappointed but mom called me to the kitchen. She handed me a kitten with a red bow and said Merry Christmas. I was delighted this was the best Christmas ever!!

Rosemary Yutzy