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Pastor's Corner

Jesus’ birth took place in a practical way. Though it did not seem proper for the Son of God to enter humanity in a stable, it was very practical. His was a common birth to identify with the common man.

Joseph made use of what was at hand and did his very best. He made use of mere cloths to wrap the baby. He must have used whatever he could find to make Mary as comfortable as possible. Even the manger became a baby’s cradle.

Having the Lord in our lives is a practical, daily experience. When calling Moses to serve, the Lord asked him “What is that in your hand”? Moses replied “a rod” and the Lord used Moses as he held the rod held high to part the waters and perform miracles through “whatever was at hand”. He meets us where we live in the commonness of our day. His grace and leading flow through us into our daily choices and decisions. He enters into the circumstances we are facing by first entering our hearts.

His life–giving Word provides us with direction for our confusion, light for our darkness, and power to face an uncertain path. “The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned” Mt. 4:16.

Pastor Greg Brownell

United Brethren Church
