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Beleny and Smith new appointees to Library Board

DAYTON–The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) interviewed five Columbia County Rural Library District Board (CCRLD) candidates, appointing two, Michele Smith and Chuck Beleny, during a special meeting on December 14.

The BOCC interviewed five candidates: Sharon Mendel, Michele Smith, Chuck Beleny, Amy Rosenburg, and Kevin Rust, all vying for the two vacant CCRLD Board positions left by June Riley and Heather Stearns. After an executive session, the BOCC appointed Michele Smith and Chuck Beleny. CCRLD Board Chair Karin Spann, Board Member Jay Ball and Library Director Todd Vandenbark were in attendance during the interview process and appointments.

Sharon Mendel, a regular library patron since she was young, has been active in the community with the Lions Club and as a volunteer at the Liberty Theater. She said she understood the Board's role is an advisory one that is not in charge of the daily operations, and if public concerns should arise, she would handle them with a positive attitude and offer suggestions to the Board to help the situation.

Michele Smith, since retiring, had been thinking of ways to best serve the community and that she had a passion for reading. She has been involved in committees at church and was part of "the successful creation of the community garden." As for handling public concerns, she believes she has shown herself to be "impartial and discerning" through her reporting work. In her opinion, the library could better meet the various needs of the community by offering more adult programs.

Chuck Beleny expressed that the library as a "vital part of the community" and described himself as an avid reader and advocate for young readers. He has experience with this in redoing programs for the military when he served in the air force and worked as Chief of Staff at the Walla Walla VA Medical Center. He has in the past worked with Friends of Library with books sales and has given lectures at the library to share his expertise as a Washington State Master Gardener on raising seeds and planting gardens. He is currently involved in the community through the County Fair Board and serves as a deacon at the Community Bible Church. He said that he recognized the library is for all citizens. and thought the best way to find out what they want from their library is to ask through surveying or having a booth at the fair. He had previous experience at the library offering a seed library and exchange program. He stated he would work to "use the resources and funds given to the library efficiently and effectively, but pointed out that he had difficulty finding the budget on the library website to review.

During the interview, Board member Jay Ball was able to locate the 2022 budget of just under $500,000 on the website under a resolution that passed and stated, "That is our budget and I'm sure we can stay within it and I hope you can help." Beleny replied, "I hope I can too."

Amy Rosenberg, a trained librarian, is currently on the Board for the Cooperative at the Blue Mountain Station, serves on the Friends of the Dayton Community Pool Committee and is on the Columbia County Democrat Committee with current Board member Ball. She also works at the Washington State University County Extension office. She expressed support for the work the current library director is doing and said she understood that as a member of the Board, she would be representing the interests of the public and thought that the governing of the library should be made more public specifically their strategic plan.

Kevin Rust expressed that he thinks libraries are a place for resources especially for children and a place for people to connect to others in the community. A long-time car dealership owner, he is an active member of the Knights of Columbus, has coached little league, umpire girls' softball and a volunteer for Boy Scouts. He thought the best way to serve the various needs of the community is to survey what they want. He said that he understood that in dealing with concerns about the library and working with the director, trust is an asset, both ways. The main role of a trustee is as a library advocate and help determine the library's direction.

After an executive session, the Commissioners appointed Michele Smith for the term ending in 2023 and Chuck Belany for the term ending in 2025. They offered congratulations and thanked the candidates for their willingness to serve.