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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

February 8, 2012

Spokane engineering firm hired to study Starbuck bridge bottleneck. Communication continues between Public Works Director Drew Woods and Columbia County Grain Grower Manager Mitch Payne in regards to truck traffic across the Starbuck Bridge.

The confluence of Wolf Creek and the North Touchet of the Touchet River is now permanently protected by a conservation easement held by Blue Mountain Land Trust. This is the second conservation easement secured by Blue Mountain Land Trust in the Dayton area on the Touchet River or tributaries and results in nearly 2 stream miles protected on both sides.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 12, 1997

Deregulation of the region’s electric industry, has become one of the biggest economic issues to face our nation, the Northwest and Washington State in the past 50 years. Large industry is leading the campaign to deregulate the electric industry to allow customer choice and competition between energy suppliers.

The Blue Mountain Snowmobile Club will be hosting the Washington State Snowmobile 25th Anniversary Convention in Walla Walla, February 14, 15, 16 & 17.

Fifty Years Ago

February 17, 1972

Piano students of Mrs. Louis Jacquot presented a recital Sunday, February 6, at the Jacquot home in Waitsburg. Students were Julie DeWitt, Dawn Sickles, Carmen DeRuwe, Becky Hatfield, Heather Floyd, Dianne and Charlotte Eaton.

Kristine Juris, president of Associated Students at Dayton High School, has been selected as Outstanding Teenager of America for 1972. The awards program qualifies Miss Juris for further state, regional and national honors and scholarships totaling $7,000.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

February 13, 1947

The State requires that a school district which has not held school for two years shall be annexed to another and the Tucanon school district, valued at $350,000, will be annexed to the Dayton district sometime this spring. County Superintendent Raymond Berry says move won’t increase taxes.

The Columbia County Racing Association acquired parcel of land from Margarette E. McManis, a parcel of land containing seven blocks, situated between the present fair grounds and the railroad tracks. The Racing association is turning this property over to the city and county fairgrounds.

Plans for the organization of a new Aerie of the Fraternal order of Eagles in Dayton were announced by Richard Davidson, an organizer for the F.O.E.

Veterans who left high school prior to graduation will soon have an opportunity to qualify for a diploma by taking the General Educational Development tests.

The veterans of World War II, members of the American Legion post are “all hot” for a drum and bugle corps. They have launched their effort and have an aggregation of 13 bugles and five drums.

One Hundred Years Ago

February 11, 1922

Evening’s rains up the Touchet caused quite a flood to flow down Crall Hollow in such volume as to rival the flow of the Touchet, resulting in washing down soil from the hillsides onto the fine gardens and fruit orchards at Baileysburg, where fully a foot of soft mud covers the ground.

Another fine residence will be erected on Syndicate Hill. Mr. J.G. Israel, assistant cashier of the Columbia National bank, purchased two lots on Sixth Street just south of the Anderson place, at a cost between $6,000 and $7,000.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

Annexation of Hawaii Essential to American Commerce. Leadership in the commerce of the Pacific Ocean is the natural heritage of the United States, because the foremost in ability among the many civilized nations inhabiting its coasts. Three powers are on hand to contest strenuously for the leadership, Great Britain, Japan and Russia. Great advantage in this competition will be held by any power which possesses the Hawaiian Islands, on account of their location centrally in the ocean and at the precise intersection of the great natural lines of traffic.