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Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

BMAC (Blue Mountain Action Council) says in their mission statement that they “deliver services and support to our neighbors experiencing poverty.” They enlisted my assistance in this endeavor and, as a result, my dog nearly died, my property was burgled and vandalized, and I am out over $11,000. I share my story so that BMAC does not take advantage of other gullible people who are willing to extend a kindness to someone who needs assistance.

A year ago, I took in a tenant sponsored by BMAC. Heather was an unemployed lady with a history of drug addiction, but I was assured she was on the road to a job and sobriety and just needed a little rent assistance and a chance at a nice place to live. I had misgivings, but Tammy at BMAC assured me she would be a great tenant and a hard worker. She also assured me that BMAC would assist, should any issues arise.

Very soon after Heather moved in, I began to hear from my neighbors that my home was a “drug house.” I inspected and found extra people living there, junk everywhere in the yard, drug paraphernalia in the house, all smoke detectors removed, and the property completely neglected.

It took a year to resolve this situation–a year of my trust being abused; my property being destroyed. BMAC gave me no assistance at all in resolving it. Without any requirements of their client obtaining a job they did continue to pay her rent off and on and only after I made many dozens of phone calls to them. This just gave her more incentive to remain there and destroy my property. It fell entirely on me to get her out and when I finally did, I found she had stolen all of the items of value I had provided in the furnished home and all valuables from my garage. She left behind a mess that took 4 people, 5 dump runs, and over 100 hours to clean and repair damage. During these hours of cleaning, my dog ingested both THC and amphetamines. I had a harrowing 1 ½ hour drive to get her to the emergency vet where I was certain she might die. This experience required that I hire a K-9 handler to find any residual drugs on the property.

I feel betrayed. I stuck my neck out for someone at the request of BMAC. They knowingly placed a risky tenant with me and then turned their back. I took a chance because they assured me, they would support their client and me to make the process work. They did not support me and ignored my phone calls. Instead, they supported and enabled a dangerous situation, made even more dangerous when minors were living in the home. They have refused to reimburse me for the remaining rent or for even some of the excessive costs I have incurred. I was told “There’s nothing we can do.” Their actions do not serve their clients or the larger community. Instead, they perpetuate further damage and distrust for people living in poverty.

Katherine Crowley

Spokane, Wash.

To the editor,

As a former educator, I am very concerned about the conflict regarding the Proposed Daycare Center. Of course, there is a need for one or more day care centers with over 340 children under the age of 8 within our community.

The Port’s mission statement says its responsibility is, “to maximize public resources and private investment, create jobs, provide infrastructure, and maintain and improve the economic vitality of Columbia County and its communities”. The Port Commissioners are not doing their job with obstructing the proposal as it is obvious that leasing Port land for a Day Care Center is a positive action for the community.

Having the hospital build a building is a viable and generous option. The Hospital stated they are willing to make a Request for Proposals to find operators, which is reasonable and professional.

It is obvious that no decision has been made regarding the YWCA.

It appears that some of our elected officials are acting out of personal religious and/or political ideologies that are not in the best interest of the community. This sort of thinking makes our community appear to be unwelcoming and unhospitable.

Candy Jones

Dayton, Wash.