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Local trap shooters do well at State shoot

By Larry Bunch

Special to the Dayton Chronicle

POMEROY–Tracy Hanger, Larry Bunch, Holly Ledgerwood, Robert Koller and Jack Miller, Jr. are top winners at the Washington State Shoot event which took place at the Walla Walla Gun on Thursday, June 12-15.

Six Pomeroy Gun Club members attended the Washington State Shoot at Walla Walla Gun Club starting last weekend. During this event, the Club's senior most shooter and two of our female shooters were the stars of the shoot for Pomeroy.

In the Preliminary Singles on Thursday Larry Bunch posted a 96 x 100 in singles and Holly Ledgerwood posted a 93 which was High in the Lady II competition. Buck Geiger posted an 89. In the Preliminary Handicap Geiger had the top score for Pomeroy with an 87. In Doubles Geiger had a 90 and Bunch posted an 88.

On Friday Bunch put up another 88 in Doubles and Tracy Hanger won the Lady I Trophy over that field. In Singles Tracy Hanger and Larry Bunch both shot scores of 94 with Tracy taking home Lady I Hardware again. Tracy rose to the Top in the Handicap with the day's High Score of 96 which made her the Handicap Champion over the entire field of competitors, and got her the coveted WSTA Belt Buckle that is always a prized Trophy. Bunch had an 88 and Holly Ledgerwood posted an 85.

In Saturday's Singles it was Holly Ledgerwood's time to shine and she posted a 97 and 91 in the 200 Championship Singles for a combined score of 188 which was good enough to take Lady II honors. Bunch shot 94 and 95 in the Senior Vet division for a combined score of 189. In the Handicap Bunch shot a score of 90.

In Sunday's competition the State Doubles Championship was the first event and Hanger garnered Lady I Runner-up honors with a score of 90 which was one Target out of a shoot off for Champion. Bunch posted an 86. In Handicap Pomeroy's most Senior shooter, 93-year-old Robert Koller posted a 91 (nearly shooting his age) which won him the trophy for Senior Veteran Runner-up. Jack Miller Jr. of Waitsburg was the Champion with a 93. Hanger was again the High Lady I shooter with a score of 93, adding to her trophy stash.

Shoot attendance was down at the State Shoot this year with many factors causing lack of competitors. Those factors include supply chain problems related to ammunition, fuel prices for those traveling, and wet but welcome weather for farmers but not so much for shooters.