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Eagles make deal on new club location

DAYTON– Following a devastating fire in their building at 222 E. Main Street about one year ago–June 8, 2021–the Dayton Eagles Aerie No. 2618 has its eagle eyes on a new location just a few steps up the street.

A buy-sell agreement between the Aerie and owners of the Weinhard Café at 258 E. Main Street, Daniel Rossi and Vicki Sternfeld-Rossi, is being seen to, according to Lupé Benavides, Trustee of the Aerie, and the deal is anticipated to close about June 14.

The Aerie and its members had been hunting for new digs ever since the five-alarm fire damaged their historic building beyond repair. Recently, the organization had been in negotiations with the owner of the Moose Creek Bakery and Café, but an agreement could not be reached. Other options, including purchasing the defunct Woody's Bar and Grill, just next door to the burned-out Eagles building, never came to fruition, Benavides said.

When it was learned the Weinhard Café was for sale, Aerie members negotiated and settled on a $170,000 figure, which includes everything save a few pictures and some inventory, Benavides said. The commercial kitchen, fixtures and furniture are part of the deal, he said. With the insurance payout, the Aerie will be into the new building without taking on additional debt.

After the deal closes, Benavides said, getting the licensing situation resolved will require about 45 days. After the fire, the Aerie's liquor and gambling licenses went into a holding pattern. The club cannot reopen until licenses are reinstated.

Alas, the Eagles will not be able to open in time for All Wheels Weekend, Benavides said.

The location will be smaller than the Aerie's former nest. Benavides estimates it could handle about 40 people. "We will look at expanding, if the opportunity arises," he said.

Disposition of the fire-damaged building is that the walls will need to be knocked down and everything leveled, Benavides said.

The Aerie is conducting regular meetings at the Eagle Manor. If Aerie members have questions, contact Lupe Benavides at 509-520-8596; Gabby Rosales at 509-540-6353 or Janie Cleveland at 509-520-5118.