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Pastor's Corner

In 1969 Peggy Lee sang these lyrics to a song that hit the top of the charts: “Is that all there is? Is that all there is? If that’s all there is, my friend, then let’s keep dancing. Let’s break out the booze, after all, if that’s all there is.”

These lyrics vividly describe the emptiness and disillusionment experienced after looking for fulfillment and satisfaction. Even the haunting tune expresses the sorrow of dashed childhood optimism. Yet God promises deep satisfaction to His children. We may be tempted to think we will be satisfied by having more money, a nicer house, a better job, and having our own way. We may even think that life would be better for us if we were more beautiful and our personal circumstances were different, such as living in another town or having a different kind of spouse.

To the degree that we have sought satisfaction and fulfillment in pursuing these things, we have found ourselves more dissatisfied than ever. To such a condition Jesus promised that a personal relationship with Him would bring us fulfillment and joy. We are never more at home than when Jesus is honored as Lord in our heart and life in a daily personal relationship. He promised that He Is the door to the rich and satisfying life God has in mind for each of us.

He said He was the bread of heaven that would satisfy our deepest hunger. He said, “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture” (Jn. 10:9).

The pasture of His love and grace nourishes our souls, satisfies our longings, and brings fulfillment to our lives. He is the missing piece to our puzzle. Fulfillment is found in His love and in His life within us.