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BOCC hires Morgan for Public Works; Creates HR Dept.

Broadband Project one step closer

DAYTON–The Columbia County Commissioners (BOCC) approved the permanent position of Interim Columbia County Engineer; approved an acting County Auditor; heard revisions of broadband franchise agreement; and a proposed job description for Human Resources Director and Risk Manager position during the meeting September 6.

Interim Columbia County Engineer and Public Works Director Walter Grant Morgan, has entered into a permanent employment agreement for those positions. The contract is effective November 1 in order to give notice to his current employer of Garfield County.

The Commissioners reviewed the proposed job description for a combined Human Resources Director and Risk Manager position. It was suggested to remove the risk manager from the description because of potential conflict of interest. The new department budget ranging from about $114,000-$140,000 including salary and benefits was also reviewed and both it and the amended job description were approved unanimously. The job opening for Human Resources Director will be posted.

There was some discussion about where the money would be pulled from though the general thought was it would come from current expense.

Also, in question was where the department would be housed. A few suggestions were proposed but it was decided to talk with the departments that could be impacted first before deciding.

Cathy Abel was approved two to one as the Acting Auditor for the County in the role of Chief Operations Deputy after the resignation of Anne Higgins. Amerein opposed. She will be primarily responsible for the election. Sadie Gregg will be Chief Accountant Deputy mainly in charge of the budget.

Following a public hearing on the matter, a broadband franchise agreement was presented by the Port of Columbia. Some minor revisions had been previously suggested, but were not reflected in the agreement according to County Prosecuting Attorney Dale Slack. One was to include the requirement to call before digging and the changes will be added and reviewed by the representing attorneys. The Commissioners decided to wait for the revised agreement and to list it on the agenda for action, likely during the September 12 Work Session.