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Pastor's Corner

His love is worthy of our love

There was a time when certain vacuum cleaner salesmen were known for shocking their potential customers by pouring dirt on their carpets. They would quickly explain that they planned to immediately vacuum it up to show what a good job their vacuum could do. However, some were asked to leave the home before finishing their presentation because of such disrespect and insensitivity.

A story is told of how embarrassed one salesman was when his vacuum malfunctioned and he left the home as quickly as he could, leaving a pile of dirt on the carpet.

This sales technique reminds us of those who purposely sin with the thought that God will clean it up later. The Lord loves us. His love is too precious for us to think that way. The love He expressed in sending His Son to die such a cruel death on the cross for us is worthy of our love and faithfulness. It is because we love Him that we do not want to take advantage of His goodness.

God's Word warns that we aren't to mistake His mercy as a license to sin. It isn't intended to be a permit for selfish desires. His mercy is life transforming. So wonderful is that forgiveness that we long to love and please Him in all we do.

Pastor Greg Brownell

Dayton United Brethren Church

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