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Port contemplating a cost of living adjustment

DAYTON-Port of Columbia Executive Director Jennie Dickinson had a preliminary budget review with the Commission during the September 14 meeting. She also provided updates on Port assets including the Oktoberfest Family Fall Festival which will be held September 24 at Blue Mountain Station. Public comment was heard from Theresa Eier regarding the social media conduct of Commissioner Seth Bryan. Commissioner Johnny Walker was absent.

Dickinson shared the estimated ending reserve balance for 2022 will be about $110,000 above the usual $100,000, and she suggested they increase the usual $100,000 in the reserve fund. She plans to provide a budget for next year including income and expenses from the broadband service. A 3% Cost of Living Adjustment was proposed, but Commissioner Genie Crowe thought it should be higher to compete with the rise in the Consumer Price Index. It was agreed it would be considered once the budget is more concrete. Commissioner Crowe also suggested they do a price comparison for insurance since the current provider is raising their rates.

Two leases were discussed. One was at the Blue Mountain Station in the space that Mama Monacelli’s vacated which is now leased by the business Sweet Cheeks. Columbia Walla Walla Rail also signed a lease extension. Dickinson said the operator applied for grant funding of $20,000 with the support of the Port.

Blue Mountain Station will be hosting a Fall Family Festival on September 24 from 11 a.m.–4 p.m. The event will feature the Blue Grass music from Rogue Lobster, food from the Co-op, Kiwanis, and R&B BBQ, as well as treats from Sweet Cheeks and Mama Monacelli’s. There will be a beer garden for those who wish to enjoy sipping something from Cedar Rain Spirits, Red Band Cellars, and Bard & Bee Meadery. Fun activities planned include a cake walk, fall themed arts and crafts, face painting and raffle drawings.

Community member Theresa Eier gave comment about certain social media posts and comments from Commissioner Bryan. She provided a printed copy of the posts of concern and explained that with Bryan in a leadership position, he should work towards unity in the community, not division. There was no immediate response from the Commission, nor the Director.