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Pastor's Corner

The words may not fit very well

Years ago, a fellow named Bert Parks hosted the Miss America Pageant on TV. Once the Beauty Pageant winner was named, he would sing "There she is, Miss America! There she is, our ideal!" The words "our ideal" may not fit very well. The parade that took place on stage wasn't God's ideal definition of beauty. God's Word describes beauty in a different way.

We are told, "O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness". Holiness is God's gift of setting us apart for Himself. It has nothing to do with physical characteristics we were born with but everything to do with being His, set apart for His purpose and plan. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are pronounced righteous. We relate to Him in love and worship by living a holy life. Holiness is expressed in having a heart of adoration, yieldedness, purity, and love for Him.

As Stephen was being falsely accused of blasphemy, his "face was like the face of an angel" Acts 6:15. God's holiness shined through the heart and countenance of His yielded child. The beauty of God's holiness residing in the believers' heart casts a light on the common things of daily life. We make choices that are pleasing to Him. Everything becomes more special, more beautiful.

Being forgiven, our innocence is made known. Being God's child, we wear from within the beauty of the Holy Spirit who makes Himself known through our obedience, attitude, and service.

Pastor Greg Brownell

Dayton United Brethen Church

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