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Pastor's Corner

We've been shown a better way

Believers in Christ are not in control of the culture or society we live in. However, we are in control of our responses and attitudes toward the troubling direction of things around us. Some may “think it strange” that we don’t “run with them” but we have been shown a better way.

On our recent trip to Boise recently we saw several turnouts provided for any runaway trucks whose braking systems might fail on the steep downward grade of Meacham pass. The turnouts provide the trucks a way of escaping a disastrous crash. The turnouts consist of very deep, soft sand and a steep upward slope that time and again spare the drivers’ disastrous endings.

God’s Word speaks of the “turnout” offered to those whose lives are out of control in sin. God’s Son, Jesus Christ, absorbed the weight of all our sins when He died for us on the cross. “All we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned, each of us, to our own way. And the Lord laid on Him (Jesus) the iniquity of us all” He lifts us into a joyful relationship with Him and gives us gladness of heart as we accept Him as our Lord who is our “way, truth, and life”.

The eternal embrace of His love provides us not only with acceptance, but with power and authority to live daily lives of self-control and victory to His Glory!

Pastor Greg Brownell

Dayton United Brethren Church