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Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

Since becoming Yakima County Commissioner two years ago, I have had the privilege to work with Charles Amerein on two boards, the Aging and Long-Term Care Council of Governments, and the Greater Columbia Behavioral Health ASO, where Charles serves as the chair.

I have been pleased and impressed with the way Charles runs those meetings. He is always well-informed, and he manages the agenda and discussion very professionally. Everyone gets the chance to speak and comment, while he keeps the group on task and on schedule.

For me, as a new commissioner, I found that Charles was very approachable, and always willing to help or answer questions.

I strongly encourage the voters of Columbia County to re-elect Charles "Chuck" Amerein as County Commissioner. I am confident that he will continue to serve you well.

LaDon Linde

Yakima County Commissioner, District 3

Sunnyside, Wash.

To the editor,

Help! What do you do when both candidates are honorable, community-oriented, conscientious and dedicated professionals?

Over the years I have dealt with Jeff Jenkins and Joe Helm and respect their dedication to their profession. As a retired law enforcement officer, I believe they are both overqualified and Columbia County is fortunate to have them.

Please keep them both!

Marjorie L. Lowe

Dayton, Wash.

To the editor,

As we come the close of what I refer to as "the season", I would just like to remind everyone to vote and to stay active in the civic process. While there is a wide variety of political opinion out there, (even in little Columbia County), our system of governance only works its best when we are all engaged.

Candidates are nothing more than the sum of their personal beliefs. Like it or not, they represent us as a body because they are willing to stand for a position, and to say what they believe. The decision to accept or reject them and their opinions is finalized through the election process. To sum it up, a candidate should take positions, and hold to them if they feel they are in the best interest of the electorate.

Having your personal opinions brought before the decision-making body of the voting public can be a very vulnerable position no matter who you are. For some people, certain issues can be very emotional subjects. What may seem very clear to one, may appear less so to another. Often times the only sense one can make of an argument is the manner in which it is presented. Therefore, it behooves us to try and maintain a sense of decorum when promoting our concerns.

I believe;

That our current Federal and State government administrations have little concern for issues that are important to a majority of the residents of Columbia County. Whether it is inflation, childcare, or sediment in the river channel, the answer to a problem caused by government regulation is never "more government"

There is a process for amending the Constitution that puts it before the will of the people in regards to civil liberties that no medical emergency or political agenda can circumvent, be it for gun rights or vaccine requirements.

Any book you would get a visit from HR for reading aloud at work is probably not appropriate to provide to children. Additionally, the children's section of the library is where children are not supposed to need supervision of what they have access too, otherwise it's just, the library.

Just because you believe something very strongly, does not mean others are obligated too (nor does it change reality). Attempts to deny this basic freedom causes the majority of our nation's and community's problems.

While the minority have rights, the majority still rule and anyone who says otherwise should study our State Legislature for an example of how "bi-partisanship" gets put into practice.

I have appreciated the spirited nature of this election season. Columbia County has a history of high voter turnout and I hope that this year is no exception. So, make sure you vote and make sure your friends and family do too and we'll see what comes out the other side of this election. I truly believe that whatever the outcome, it is according to God's plan and will be for His purpose.

Charles Amerein

Waitsburg, Wash./Columbia County

To the editor and community,

As a relative newcomer–I have only been in Dayton 25 years–I ran my business, drove pilot car, and drove transport for People for People since coming to Dayton. I also did weekend entertainments at fairs and events in E. Washington and NE Oregon.

Covid 19 put a stop to that!

I had always been active in community events and participated in civic and veterans' activities in my previous locations. After realizing what social depredation had occurred for myself, but also for the community children. For the last two years we all have been limited or restricted to small interactions with teachers, medical personnel or law enforcement.

I became aware of how our young people have been deprived of desirable role models along the way. As my children were always in a YWCA/YMCA program, as was my nieces in Dayton swimming pool as lifeguards and swimming instructors, my first thought was for the jobs we have lost. The second was that most of those kids were excellent role models for the others.

JOBS-For our young people-entry level, seasonal, part and full time, tied into other agencies as interns or apprenticeships to participating businesses thru the schools or even hospital to help restore pride of accomplishment and independence of spirit.

The pool maybe the 1st priority but there many other facets to recreational programming to benefit Columbia County with time and careful consideration.

I look forward to being involved.

Thank you.

Marjorie L. Lowe

Dayton, Wash.

To the editor,

Please join me in voting to retain Joe Helm in the position of Columbia County Sheriff where he has assembled a team of highly qualified and effective officers. Tim Quigg's letter to the editor printed in the October 2, 2022 issue of the Waitsburg times provides a testimony to the effectiveness of Sheriff Helm's leadership from the perspective of a 41 year employee of the Sheriff's office.

I would also ask you to join me in voting to retain Charles Amerein in the position of Columbia County Commissioner. His familiarity with on-going issues uniquely qualifies him for this office. I trust his conservative values.

Paul Hendrickson

Dayton WA.

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