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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

November 14, 2012

Middle school girls cast in lead for "Annie." Annie opens this weekend at the Liberty Theater and Hallyn Boggs from Dayton and Chloe Pearson from Waitsburg are double cast in the lead role.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

November 12, 1997

Columbia County Engineer Gary Gasaway faced the biggest challenge of his 27-year career with the flooding of February, 1996. "It continues to be a challenge and will be for some time, hopefully we're starting to see the light at the end." It is not the only end in sight for Gaseway, on Monday, November 3, Gasaway announced his intent to retire as of January 31.

The Columbia County Annual 4-H Achievement Program was held November 8, in the Multi-Purpose Room. Master of Ceremonies Roland Schirman announced 144 young people form Columbia County enrolled in 4-H, of those, 117 successfully completed the year, which amounts to 82 percent completion rate. Statewide the completion rate is 40 percent.

Fifty Years Ago

November 9, 1972

Carden's Café at 423 East Main is now under ownership and operation of Bernie and Lynn Hansen the former operators of the Sport Center Café. The business was purchased by Gerald and JoAnn Martin.

Miss Jackie Leckenby, senior at Dayton High School, was declared winner of the local speech contest sponsored by Columbia Soil & Water Conservation District and now advances to the area runoff. Miss Jan Turner, also a senior, both speaking on "Mankind, My Responsibility."

Seventy-Five Years Ago

November 13, 1947

"The Beginning of a New Era in Naval Weapons," the United States Navy fired a captured German V-2 rocket from the flight deck of the 45,000 ton aircraft carrier USS Midway on September 6. This was the first time in history such a bombardment rocket has been launched from ships or a moving platform.

W. F. McCauley, pioneer farmer of Columbia County, has sold his 280-acre farm in Dustin Hollow to Al Richter and Ben Klingenstein. Mr. McCauley has operated the place for years and years.

Ninety-six elk were taken from the Touchet area by this season's hunters, according to the report of W.T. Wooten, local game protector. Six cows, seven calves, permitted by the special privilege drawing for killing either sex on deeded land, eighty-three bull made up the rest of the count.

R. E. McGee, jeweler had a crew busy in his store making improvements. A balcony has been built in the back end with work benches and storage facilities. The watch-making department is not to be moved, but clocks of all kinds, will be handled on the balcony. A new front will be put on the building after the first of the year.

One Hundred Years Ago

November 15, 1922

Japanese cannot be naturalized in the United States and cannot become citizens of this country, the Supreme Court of the United States decided today in its first construction of federal statutes bearing on the subject. Justice Sutherland as a member of the court, delivered the decision down in a case brought by Taka Ozawa who in 1914 applied for citizenship in Hawaii.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

November 13, 1897

News from Alaska; Mrs. R.M. Hester received a letter from Mr. Hester, that he had reached Lake Bennett, October 20th with both of his horses, all of his supplies, beside packing 1,600 pounds in for two other men. After reaching Lake Bennett, Hester walked back to Skagway, a distance of 51 miles, in one day to get his mail.

J.H. Day has remodeled his residence to make it more convenient. The woodshed has been removed to the rear and placed on a stone foundation over the spring and cellar. A kitchen, bath room and laundry have been added.

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