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Merry and Bright

Homes around town sparkle and shine with the Christmas Spirit

A herd of sparkly deer, a giant Santa Claus, other Santas on a motorcycle and in a sleigh, plus lots of glittering laser lights bedeck this home at 108 West Richmond, one of numerous homes in Our Fair City that are brightly decorated with all sorts of Christmas-themed lights and figures, all part of December in Dayton. For an enjoyable tour of Christmas-card residences that are part of the Tour of Lights, the annual lighting contest sponsored by Columbia County Public Transportation, be sure to get on CCPT's final tour this Saturday, December 17, which boards at Elk Drug, 1st and Main streets, for a 7 p.m. departure. You'll be whisked from home to home and you'll be able to vote for the best three, winners of which will be announce later this month in the Dayton Chronicle.