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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

January 2, 2013

Rep. Terry Nealey, R-Dayton has been named ranking Republican on the Finance Committee of the state House of Representatives.

The Spring Lake Dam located immediately west of the Tucannon River in Columbia County, was inspected by the Department of Ecology.

Fifty Years Ago

January 28, 1973

Coast Guard Seaman Recruit John Anderson is now stationed at Grand Isle, Louisiana, after spending a brief leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Anderson. Seaman Anderson graduated from basic training at the Coast Guard Training and Supply Center at Alameda, Calif.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

January 1, 1948

It was announced at the Kiwanis club meeting that Blue Mountain Canneries was donating 200 cases of peas to the "Christmas Ship" that is to take northwest food to Europe. Each member paid $2.00 per case, below cost, for inclusion of additional peas in this shipment. Maurice Roe reports that 200 bushels of wheat have been contributed to the cause.

Work started last week on an expansion of the Pool Truck & Implement Company facilities. Dean Pool, manager, purchased the old Guy Jones packing house from Mrs. Jones and completed a lease with the Union Pacific Rail Road on which the building stands on the east side of 1st Street across the alley from the rear of the Dayton Branch of the Seattle-First National Bank

The C-D had a telegram from Congressman Hal Holmes advising that rural route No. 3 was being extended. Postmaster Clifton McCauley says the extension will be made from the "mail boxes" on the Eckler Mountain road to the Grupe School house at the head of Cougar Canyon. Eight new boxes will be located on the new route servicing 14 families. Vern Butler is their carrier

Seven medical personnel, Arthur Whitmore, ambulance service; Esther Maxwell, RN; Esther Beatty, RN; Marilyn Ferguson, RN; Marjorie Linville, ambulance service; Betty Bai, RN; and Karen Gerhke, RN. were congratulated by Dr. S. R. Hevel, Waitsburg, Chief of the medical staff, after completing the 60-hour course in coronary care conducted at Walla Walla Community College.

Gene Crothers joined the staff of the County Assessor Bill Casteel, as an appraiser trainee in a one-year program. Crothers, formally employed by Columbia County Farm Bureau, will be attending several training schools during his training period.

One Hundred Years Ago

January 3, 1923

The Tate School, had its Christmas Tree and pieces, Friday afternoon before Christmas, the little schoolhouse being crowded to capacity. The Tate School directors realized that now that other children are attending besides the Tates, the building must be made larger or the wills will burst from crowding.

The creekers killed the rest of their hogs the first warm day the chinook brought. Bud Pettyjohn and Louie Hunt had their hog killing bee together, Louie hauled Mrs. Roses 'scalding trough' home so she could finish hers, Harry and Lloyd Rainwater cut up and salted the dressed hogs they had killed before the thermometer went to zero and froze them solid.

Don't leave the electric flatiron connected to the circuit and go use the telephone, visit with the neighbors or call the grocery. It costs $100 for the fire department to make a "run" for a smoking ironing board.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

January 1, 1898

Commander Booth-Tucker started for California to complete the work of founding the first of the Salvation Army colonies in this country at Soledad near Monterey. Most of the cottages have been built and the work of cultivation well installed on the farm of 500 acres.

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