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Pastor's Corner

"He Showed Up!"

Former Starbuck school pupil (Dayton born) Eugene Fletcher became lead pilot of a B-17 bomber that performed 35 missions over enemy territory in World War II, some of which were extremely dangerous. Prior to a mission in which the odds were against them returning, Eugene participated in a prayer time in which the crew sought God's protective deliverance. Later, the bombardier referred to the Lord's presence in their prayer time saying, "He showed up!" It was his way of saying the Lord made Himself known to the hearts of the crew in their time of need. God's presence gave them assurance and they all returned safely from the mission.

The men experienced the fulfillment of the promise: "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You preserve my life. You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes; with Your right hand You save me" Ps. 138:7.

It has been said of the Lord, "He is big enough to rule the universe; yet small enough to live in our hearts." Nothing is too big for God! Neither is anything so small that He is not concerned and caring. We've brought needs and problems to others who have said, "Go away. I am too busy." But the Lord is always available to listen and respond to us when we lay our deepest needs before Him in faith.

The psalmist wrote, "" Record my misery, list my tears on Your scroll–are they not in your record?" Ps. 56:8.

Does Jesus care?

Yes, He cares.

Pastor Greg Brownell

Dayton United Brethren Church