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No more waiting on Pavilion rest room project

DAYTON–The Columbia County Fairgrounds pavilion restroom renovation will be complete Friday, March 17, much to the relief of not only the Dayton Chamber of Commerce, which will be giving the new facilities its first test run, but also to officials of Columbia County and members of the public who have tolerated less-than-ideal conditions during the Fair and Dayton Days and other events the past few years.

The northwest corner of the Pavilion floor is the location of the rest rooms. Access will be from either the Pavilion main room or from outside once the handicapped-access ramp is constructed.

The new facility includes separate sections for men and women, with four regular stalls and one handicapped stall in the women's rest room, plus three sinks. On the men's side, there are a trio of urinals and two regular stalls with one handicapped stall.

Friends of the Fairgrounds chairperson Julia Mead reported that the group's efforts to renovate the buildings at the Columbia County Fairgrounds includes the long-awaited restroom restoration and update. The project was a joint effort with the Friends of the Fairgrounds, Columbia County Fair Board and Columbia County.

Grant writer Marcene Hendrickson noted that of the $156,000 raised by the group over the past six years, more than $100,000 has been grant awards from the Sherwood Trust, Washington State Department of Agriculture, Warren Foundation, Columbia County Fund and recently, the Blue Mountain Community Foundation Giving Guide. The most recent funds of $4,600 are targeted to assist Columbia County in the construction of the new handicapped-access ramp into the pavilion.

The Friends of the Fairgrounds is a working group of about 10 members receiving monies through fundraisers such as "tag" sales and the annual yard sale each spring.