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Pastor's Corner

Keep current with God

A Boise library received a book return 110 years after it had been checked out. The children's book was 40,000 days overdue and could have amassed fines of two cents per day, adding up to more than $800,000. However, the library policy was changed years ago to eliminate late fees.

It's not good to be "past due" in our relationship with the Lord. A sister in Christ made the comment, "With the Lord, I keep short accounts." Her meaning was that she refused to let unfinished business pile up between her and the Lord.

Believers keep their relationship with God current and up to date, living each moment for His glory, even as He offers Himself to us continually. We don't do it because of library records or a human accounting system, though our sins would pile up to the heavens. We do it because we love Him who died for us and zeroed out the account of our sins, taking them upon Himself on the cross, and who now, due to His resurrection and perfect work on the cross, presents us faultless before our Father in Heaven. He washed away our enormous and grievous fines against God's holy nature and granted us mercy, forgiveness, and everlasting life.

We should not delay in putting our trust in Him and taking Him as our personal Savior and Lord.

Pastor Greg Brownell

Dayton United Brethren Church