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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

April 17, 2013

The Columbia County Commissioner appointed Rocky Miller of Dayton as Columbia County Sheriff effective of July 1, 2013, and will replace Sheriff Walt Hessler, Jr., who plans to retire at the end of June.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

April 20, 1998

An organizational TOASTMASTERS meeting is planned for April 15, at the Tee Time Café at the golf course. Dayton had a very active TOASTMASTERS chapter a few years back and the goal is to resurrect this worldwide organization in the community.

The Blue Mountain Christian School's (BMCS) acting board chairman, Rev. Greg Bye, signed an agreement with the City of Dayton which allows the private school to continue operating in its present location until the end of the school. The school will be forced to relocate before next fall.

Fifty Years Ago

April 20, 1973

Larry Faulkner, son of Mrs. Paul Danielson, is one of two students chosen from the University of Washington medical school to make a summer tour of hospitals in the Far East. Faulkner graduated from Dayton High in 1966 and was the class valedictorian and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in pre-medicine from Whitman College in Walla Walla in 1970.

The senseless shooting of a four-day-old mule colt on the Jack Penner farm has prompted offer of a $50 reward for information leading to arrest and conviction of the person or persons involved.

Pvt. Dick Hurst, son of Mayor and Mrs. Rex Hurst, completed ten weeks of basic training at Fort Ord, Calif., and will be reporting to Fort Devens, Mass. for training with the Army security agency.

Valerie Howard of the Upper Whetstone Fleecers was high-point judge for Columbia County 4-Hers during the Pomeroy Livestock Show. Elizabeth Eaton scored second with Brian Munden ranking third.

One-hundred-fifty-eight head of livestock will be showing at the Junior Livestock Pre-Show scheduled for Friday and Saturday. Bill Lyman, chairman of the Pre-show board, declared the 1972 show will be one of the largest in number of both exhibitors and exhibits, forty-five 4-H and FFA members and their leaders and instructors will be showing beef, sheep and swine. Twenty-one FFA teams and sixty-two 4-H members will patriciate in the livestock judging contests.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

April 15, 1948

Dean Pool of the Pool Truck and Implement Company announced the opening of the company's new repair shop at 120 North First Street, which was originally the old Jones apple packing plant. The cost, with an additional 5,600 square feet of floor space, sealing the building inside and a new heating plant installed will be in the neighborhood of $14,000.

Carl Rowe's crew installed a new front for McGee's jeweler's store with a recessed door located several feet back from the street and between to display windows. An upstairs loft for storage of bulky merchandise and store fixtures.

One Hundred Years Ago

April 11, 1923

AIRPLANE RUNS 573 HOURS, Completion of a record breaking test of a new airplane engine was announced by the Navy department. The machine known as "Wright model E-4" ran without stopping with the throttle wide open, with "a savings of 90 per cent in the operating cost of aircraft engines of this type."

The state fish hatchery survey of the Tucanon will be made in June, John S. Cobb, director of fisheries of the University of Washington, who will conduct the survey to determine the food value of the stream and its suitability for raising different kinds of fish.

J.P. Anderson of Clyde, sold 6,000 sacks of club wheat at $1.25 per bushel, the sale is the first large sale to be listed here for some time, according to Dement Bros. Company.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

April 16, 1898

Baileysburg Notes: The ants, of which there are millions in this neighborhood, have commenced their destructive work on young fruit. The neighbors are putting cotton around the tree to prevent their work.

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