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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

May 22, 2013

Veterans march through Dayton to raise awareness of WWII vets in hospitals. Their journey is simple – to march 100 miles from the Walla Walla Veterans Hospital over Memorial Day Weekend to shake hands and to say thanks to the Veterans who reside at the Idaho State Veterans Home in Lewiston, Idaho. Fifteen Combat Veterans from the Marines, Army and Special Forces, who were released from military service during the past 1-3 years will leave Walla Walla at 6 a.m.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 20, 1998

Air Force Airman Dawn I. Avery has graduated from basic training at Lockland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. Avery is the daughter of Donald J. and Peggy J. Avery and is a 1997 graduate of Dayton High School.

Ken Nettleton, an x-ray technician at Dayton General Hospital, has just returned from six and one-half months of active duty in Tusla, Bosnia. Nettleton has the rank as Staff Sergeant Nettleton of the 396th Combat Support Hospital and a member of the Army reserve for the last 10 and one-half years.

Fifty Years Ago

May 24, 1973

Mary Lou Eslick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eslick, graduate from Pacific Lutheran University receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music.

Fifty-three Seniors Graduated in the Class of 1973. Jan Turner gave the salutatory address and Jean Whipple gave the Valedictory address, Jacki Leckenby and Mike Himmelberger, student speakers, presented a humorous memory calendar "You Were There." Elmer Talbott received a special attendance recognition certificate for 11 years perfect attendance, one-half day absent in 12 years.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

May 20, 1948

World's Hungry Children Get Food Relief Under Stars and Stripes and U. Banners. Many children in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Italy, France, Finland, China, never saw milk of any kind before their generous friends in America, through the voluntary foreign relief agencies. Millions of children have a chance to recover from rickets, tuberculosis and the pangs of hunger, because Americans are subscribing $60,000 to finance the foreign relief activities of 25 voluntary American agencies and to replenish the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.

"Clem" a pet dog belonging to Lawrence LeGore, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. LeGore of Pomeroy, who operates the mail boat from Lewiston up the Snake River, brought help to his injured master. LeGore was thrown from his horse and drug over a cliff, in the vicinity of Hell's Lodge on the upper Snake River, breaking his leg. Realizing the seriousness of his predicament, LeGore tied a piece of his shirt to "Clem" and sent him homeward for help which came.

Farmers Respond to Appeals for Wheat, following the adoption of the wheat certificate plan which gives farmers delivering their mercy wheat a year in which to cash in their certificates, members of the Farmers Union Co-op elevator at Alfred, N. D., are turning in all excess wheat.

County Auditor Holt Boone, "digging around in the archives at the court house "dug up" the first copy of the Columbia Chronicle, published April 29, 1878 by T. M. May and H. H. Gale and "Pop" Peabody father of the late Ernestine Peabody, was the typesetter. Finding of the volume was a surprise to the management of the C-D, as for more than 25 years this "file" was to have destroyed along with others caught in a fire many years ago.

Pasty Brower is to be Queen of the Dayton Days show for 1948, her attendants are princesses, Margaret Schirmer, Elveeta Bushong Elna Bosley and Dorothy Davis

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 21, 1898

Spain's Efforts to Regain the Philippine Islands. Relief expedition to be sent to the Philippines are being hurried in both the military and navy departments. Five battalions, each 1,200 men under eight officers are assembled at Cadiz, Barcelona and Valencia, all ready for embarkation. A Spanish fleet, consisting of troops and warships, was to leave Cadiz, bound for the Philippine islands will go by way of the Suez Canal. The object is to raise the blockade by Admiral Dewey's ships and recover possession of the islands.

Captain Duval, of the Commissary department, has made a contract with local bakeries for 610,000 pounds of army crackers, using the equivalent to 30,000 barrels of flour, each will be printed the words, "Remember the Maine."