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Sunshine and memories highlight Alumni Weekend

DAYTON–Town was abuzz with laughter, smiles and deep-rooted Bulldog camaraderie by alumni of Our Fair City's Pietrzycki High School – aka Dayton High School – with fantastic weather, a sunshiny parade and numerous get-togethers sprinkled around the city over last weekend.

There were 13 classes which held gatherings over the July 14 and 15 weekend. Nine classes put together floats for the Saturday parade, emceed by Jeff Turner, Class of 1976. The Class of 1978's float, sporting a fire-spewing hot-air balloon basket, was awarded the Marcia Harting Memorial Trophy.

At the annual meeting, Herb Bowen of the Class of 1947 was honored as the oldest alum attending, and Greg Pulliam, Class of 1968, got the blue ribbon for longest-distance traveled to attend: 2,530 from Trustville, Alabama.

Gerald and Lois Howard took a bow as the Longest Married Couple at 72 years.

Float judges awarded the Class of 1973 second place in the decorating contest, and third place went to the Class of 1963.

Officers were elected with Turner (1976) as president; Tammy (Groom) Ketterman (1986) secretary, and Keith Pittman (1982) as treasurer. Nominations are open for the vice president position. Board of directors includes Zella (Fuller) Powers (1956), Dell Groom (1957), Phil Grom (1961) and Roseann (Delp) Groom, (1978).

The Fifty-Fifty Raffle winner was Tammy Gibson, wife of Blaine Gibson (1983).  She took home a total of $660. The remaining funds will go to scholarships.

Additional Alumni class reunion photographs will follow next week.