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Port anticipates revenue increase, asks for COLA

DAYTON-The Port of Columbia discussed budget; approved broadband contract; approved a sale advocation letter; and other Port business during the meeting August 9.

Budget talks began with Port Director Jennie Dickinson advising the board the Port will need to budget $1500 to insure their fiber network. However, the Port will begin to receive revenue from broadband operations. She suggested with the added revenue a salary increase or at least Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) considered in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI), for the staff. A proposal to raise taxes 1%, opposed by Commissioners Johnny Watts and Seth Bryan and supported by Dickenson, and Commissioner Genie Crowe who said the increase could be taken from the tax levy allowed by law. Dickinson will draft a preliminary budget for the September meeting for the Commission to review.

The commission approved a contract with Blue Mountain Telecommunications from Walla Walla for construction of the Touchet Valley Broadband Project with anticipated completion early next year. Executive Director Kara Riebold from Petrichor Broadband was present. The firm provides consulting and network management to agencies including ports to expand the accessibility of broadband services. A contract was approved for a fiber management agreement with Petrichor for the Dayton Community Broadband Project. A Fiber Lighting Ceremony is planned at the Blue Mountain Station on September 20 at 5 p.m. A variety of stakeholders will speak, and refreshments will be provided.

A letter to the Columbia Pulp receiver was approved to be sent from the Port by the Commission to clarify the Port's position after a previous letter was sent on June 12 by Dickinson that stated that the Port advocates for sale of the entire plant rather than selling in pieces, that they do not favor a particular purchaser. "I think it's brief. I think it's appropriate. I think that it's all that's necessary," Bryan said. The commissioners agreed to sign it.

A new lessee D&C Detailing has purchased Columbia River Detailing and assumed their lease which was coming to the end of the term. They will be taking on a one-year lease followed by an allowed two-year renewal.

For updates on community and economic development, Dickinson announced that The Weinhard Hotel is being sold with the plan to close for the winter to renovate. The Touchet Valley Golf Course has a new restaurant–The Back 9.

She spoke about meeting as a steering committee member for the regional tourism plan once in Dayton and another time in Walla Walla. Also on the committee is Chamber of Commerce Director Belinda Larson and the general manager of Bluewood Pete Korfiatis. Community meetings will also be scheduled soon. The plan's purpose is for developing and marketing tourism in the region. Similar efforts are being done around the northwest.