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Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

My name is Theresa Eier and I have been a resident of Columbia County for the last thirty years. I am once again compelled to address the behavior of the CCC [Columbia County Conservatives].

On Feb 16, I was flooded with for lack of a better word complete filth in the form of screenshots, once again defaming me on a local community social media page with assertions that I am in a romantic relationship with the prosecuting attorney while in litigation with the county and I’m wondering why not one of these individuals making such claims has approached me and asked me? it is absurd. I feel like I’m in a David Lynch film with no means for escape.

I Theresa Eier have never had a romantic relationship with Dale Slack. I met Dale four years ago while working for CCHS related to House Bill 1310 restricting police response to medical and mental health crises, making it challenging for many communities across the state. Columbia County was the first county in WA state to challenge that bill that resulted in a life being saved by court order for medical treatment. Dale Slack was instrumental in those collaborative efforts along with law enforcement and APS. Dale along with stakeholders is involved in addressing barriers to mental health access and response, collaborated in implementing guardian alert system, and provided input and participated in creating MDT meetings and ITA processes to better serve our community and ours was a working relationship.

I thought we lived in the 21st century where men and women could be friends, to this day I have friendships formed out of working together in such a small community. And I cannot believe I’m here today having to explain this to a bunch of adults. Let me tell you something else about the filth I have been subjected to let’s name it for what it is this is harassment and defamation I have been subjected to this form of harassment, stalking slander, attempts to get me fired in the form of coordinated mass fake complaints, cyber stalked by fake Facebook accounts over social media for two years.

I have watched this town become hostage to a handful of people as individual’s livelihoods, reputations come under fire for expressing their first amendment rights, people losing their jobs, support systems and their friends for daring to speak out against their tactics and agenda.

This type of targeted abuse damages relationships and is designed to isolate and ostracize individuals from support and community and I am once again witnessing in retaliation using defamation and libel to target yet another citizen. This crowd has no respect for the rights of others and this is demonstrated by their terrorist tactics towards anyone who has spoken out in meetings or has written letters to the editor, or has advocated to keep our library open.

These citizens have been met with harassment stalking, slander, an onslaught of cyberstalking, ad nauseum. Why would they be dissuaded to stop when their bullying is platformed, when people are fired, when people are silenced out of fear of being targeted when they can garner support on community pages as people join in on the good ole witch burning parade.

It’s disgusting to behold and I must ask what exactly has the CCC done to improve the quality of life for the citizens of this county, what have they implemented that address the issues rural counties face? What have they built or collaborated on to promote economic growth? Why are we giving platforms to harassment and defamation with hostile intent to destroy individuals in this community?

Theresa Eier

Dayton, Wa.

To the editor,

After viewing Seth Bryan’s behavior and his vote at the Feb 14, 2024, Columbia County Port Commissioner meeting I want to suggest that he should RESIGN as a Columbia County Port Commissioner IMMEDIATELY. He proposed, then voted on, removing the Executive Director’s Contract, which would then leave any employee in that position with no job security, except to the wishes of what he wants to allow or not allow. Mr. Bryan’s actions at that Port meeting were unprofessional and cruel. He took it upon himself to discuss personnel concerns at a public meeting. It is not the leadership we expect and need from Port Commissioners. Mr. Bryan also consistently posts negative comments about our community on social media. As a commissioner he needs to respect the Port employees for all their years of Port experience, hard work, and successful programs they have worked on to improve our community. Instead, he seems to only promote ideas to diminish our county. The Port’s mission statement is -“The Port of Columbia’s mission is to maximize public resources and provide investment to create jobs, provide infrastructure and maintain and improve the economic vitality of Columbia County and it’s communities.” Mr. Bryan appears to be doing the opposite of that policy.

Mr. Bryan, if you don’t like how our community is you are free to move away at any time.

If fellow co-commissioner Johnny Watts agrees with Mr. Bryan he should also resign. Neither commissioner should follow and act in an inappropriate and hostile way to the Port staff and the community.

Carol Anderson

Dayton, Wash.

To the editor,

Sure do appreciate you – reaching out and trying to guide folks to reality.

First–thank you for sharing/speaking out in Truth.

Truth – it is very simple, not complicated. Make your yes, your yes, and your no your no. Treat everyone as you would want to be treated.

No matter what the circumstance(s) – always do the right thing no matter what the cost. (We all know the difference between right and wrong, it is clear as black and white).

Always remember the world is not about you – it is about others and how you can, should comfort, encourage them to be the best they can be with their God given gifts and talents all with unconditional Love…as you would want to be treated. The Truth is Pure. There is no one’s persons opinion of the truth or another. The Truth is the Truth!

Dear God help us not to be distracted by the world, help us to always THINK, ACT in Truth 24/ 7.

Thank you again Charlotte. May God Bless you and yours.

Fred Giacci

Richland, Wash.

To the editor,

I watched the Port meeting on line, 5:00 p.m., the 14th of February. After coming out of executive session where concerns about staff should be addressed, Commissioner Seth Bryan verbally assaulted Executive Director Jennie Dickinson in an open public meeting format. Which to me, is a violation of RCW 42.23.070.

I attend Port meetings on a regular basis. Jennie Dickinson has always conducted herself in a professional manner, always showing respect for the Commissioners and to the public.

It is now time for Commissioner Seth Bryan to get out pen and paper and write a heartfelt apology to Ms. Dickinson and her staff. While he has pen and paper in hand, he should also write his letter of resignation.

Sincerely submitted,

Gerald M. Kaiser

Dayton, Wash.

To the editor,

It was with incredulity and disgust that I watched the Port Commission meeting of February 14, 2024, as Seth Bryan put forth an unprecedented, unorthodox motion to change the executive director from a contracted position to an at-will employee. After the motion passed 2-1 with Mike Spring against and Johnny Watts following Seth Bryan’s lead in lockstep, as usual, Commissioner Bryan proceeded to make unsubstantiated accusations of insubordination against the Executive Director.

Having watched many of the Port of Columbia meetings and witnessed Commissioner Bryan’s misinformed statements against many economic development projects and subsequent correct info offered by the Port Executive Director -I have been amazed at the professionalism of Jennie Dickenson in dealing with the constant hyperbole. My guess is Commissioner Bryan simply doesn’t like to be corrected, doesn’t see the value of informational discourse, and probably does not like to be seen as less knowledgeable than a woman.

There is no doubt in my mind that Jennie recognizes the authority of the Commission and carries out the Port Commission direction. Jennie’s commitment to the advancement of Columbia County, its businesses, and community members is stellar and above question or doubt. Her passion goes beyond her job description- volunteering in efforts to promote her community. Jennie Dickenson is respected throughout the Walla Walla-Touchet Valley. I cannot say the same of Commissioner Bryan who seems determined to destroy a community, the businesses in that community, an accomplished economic development organization, and a respected community member.

Joy Smith

Waitsburg, Wash.

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