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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

April 23, 2014

Port Launches Artisan Food Center with Grand Opening. The development strategy at Blue Mountain Station, located on the edge of historic Dayton, houses several business. Rey's Roast coffee is the newest company to lease space at the Station, the Little Dipper Dairy with goat cheese products, Gypsy Girl Granola, the production area for wine and mead at the Experimental Fermentation Company

Twenty-Five Years Ago

April 21, 1999

A local woman was bitten by what may have been young rattlesnake when she stepped off her front porch to get her mail when the snake struck her foot. "This is the first time I remember a poisonous snake in town," she said of the incident, which occurred on West Patit Avenue.

Three members showing in the FFA Division, Savannah Stanger, Sarah and Jarrod Gibbons, attended the Waitsburg Preshow. Sarah received Reserved Champion Market Hog and Jarrod received Grand Champion Market Hog and Reserve Champion Overall Market Hog (this is over all the 4-H and FFA market hogs).

The Dayton FFA Chapter has become involved in trap shooting. The Dayton Chapter held a trap shoot at the Waitsburg Gun Club. Competing teams were Dayton, Pomeroy, Wilson Creek and Kahlotus, with Dayton teams receiving second place and second-place Individual shooter.

Nathan W. James, son of Bill and Jerri James, formally of Dayton, was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout; The Boy Scouts of America's highest honor.

Sheila Zanger and Pat Merkel, representing TVAC, accepted a check from PacifiCorp's Bill Clemens, for the restoration fund for the Liberty Theater, bring the total fund to a total of $15,000.

Fifty Years Ago

April 25, 1974

Dayton ran away from DeSales and Waitsburg during a girls' triangular track meet, compiling 73 points.

Trinka Harvey won two first places and ran legs on two winning relay teams with other team members Lori Southerland, Karen Reddish, Carla Boggs, and Suzanne Anderson, Becky Hatfield, Sharon Welch, Robin Patrick, Diane Roff, Coleen White, Dee Strand and Debbie Eaton.

Connie Fletcher, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fletcher, is one of three Dayton High School juniors competing to represent Dayton Days as its Queen.

Lori Powers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Powers, was selected by the Dayton American Legion Auxiliary to be their delegate at Girls State, at Central Washington State College in Ellensburg.

Lloyd and Charlotte Hutchens, and son John and wife Lynn, owner-operators of the new $50,000 swine feeder-fattening facility in the Pacific Northwest at Johnson Hollow, announced their Grand Open House of the plant. The public is invited to come to see the operation.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

April 21, 1949

The Navy's anti-submarine forces received a boost with the commissioning of Composite Squadron 25, held at the Naval Air Station, San Diego, California. Clarence (Dick) Winnett, airman apprentice USN, is now on active duty with the newly formed squadron.

The remains of Sgt. Earl S. Boon, who was killed in Germany, has been brought home to be buried at the Mountain View cemetery. Sgt. Boon was the son of Mr. and Mrs. G.G. Boon and had joined the army in February, 1942.

David Koschmeder and Bill Brown and their Herefords; Phil Russell and Norman Kayser with their Angus, will be showing at the Dayton Junior Livestock Show. This is an FFA activity under the direction of Marvin Evers, vocational agriculture instructor. The calves are from local breeders Wilfred Thorn, Leo Schafer and Arden Archer. Lawrence Dye, Dorothy Oliver and Joan Thronson will show three choice grade Shorthorn calves. This is a 4-H activity under the direction of County Agent Bob Williams.

One Hundred Years Ago

April, 1927

No information available.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

April 15, 1899

Glove-Fitting Corsets. We carry Thompson Glove-Fitting corsets from 50 Cents to $2.25 and have four lines of KID GLOVES that cover the cream of French gloves making $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 a pair.