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DHS Schedule Changes to Come

DAYTON-As this academic year began, many decisions had to be made in consideration of Covid-19, and its effects on our community. With the ongoing issue and spread of the virus, the school needed to decide whether or not class would be held remotely, or in person, and exactly how they would go about those options. As we know, it was decided that our school would go back to in-person learning at the school.

The high school schedule was adjusted to keep kids in school for half of the day, and learn remotely from home for the other half. This was designed to make the transition into full-time remote learning as smooth as possible when needed. While this plan has worked thus far, the school board has planned to move the high school back to learning in-person full time since the beginning.

The time has come now to determine when the students will begin their new schedule. When this change is made, classes will go from 8:15 a.m. to 2 p.m., very similar to “pre-COVID” times. This will allow students to attend all seven class periods within that time, rather than switching their classes on a daily basis.

As of now, students attend four out of seven classes in-person each day, and attend the other three online. The classes which they attend in person trade off every day, which has shown to be a struggle when it comes to student-teacher communication. The upcoming schedule will eliminate remote classes, and allow teachers and students to interact daily.

While the current class plan is very virus-friendly, it has shown to increase the lack of effort, and motivation that students care to put into their education. It is very easy to procrastinate when learning from home. Although the time dedicated to remote learning is considered class time, many students feel that they are doing homework, and twice as they would normally have. Many believe that putting students back into school full time is important for the sake of their grades, mental health, and future.