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Articles written by Trista Villaro

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  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Jun 9, 2022

    DAYTON–The senior class of 2022 officially graduated on Saturday June 4, at 1 p.m., when they moved their tassels and thrown up their caps signaling the school has officially met its end, for them. The last day for the other grades is Tuesday, June 7. The graduation ceremony, having just 14 graduates, was short and sweet. Class Valedictorian Sage Kilts gave a simple speech with very meaningful advice for the class. Salutatorian Aria Woodend spoke as well, adding a bit of humor and nostalgia t...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|May 19, 2022

    DAYTON–High School (DHS) has had so many exciting experiences within the last few months of school. From a successful spirit week, Prom, ASB Elections, and many achievements by students, the year will certainly be “going out with a bang”. The high school finally enjoyed a much-needed Spring Spirit Week, compliments of the DHS Associated Student Body (ASB) April 25 through 29. The week began with a simple day, including class meetings, cookies, and a “Future Career” dress-up day. Tuesday,...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Feb 17, 2022

    DAYTON–High School has finally made it to the second half of the year, but not without difficulty. There have been many trials and tribulations since the beginning of December. Before the school went on winter break, the plans of having a winter spirit week were unfortunately postponed due to student absences. After returning from break, more plans were underway. In place of the winter spirit week plan, the ASB decided to throw a Basketball Spirit Week, focusing on celebrating the basketball p...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Dec 16, 2021

    DAYTON–The local High School was hit with a great loss of staff after the past school year; including English, Spanish, History, Business, Digital Art, Music, and Physical Education teachers, as well as the advisors for FBLA, ASB, and Youth and Government. Student athletes of the Dayton-Waitsburg Wolfpack also suffered the loss of both the head and assistant Girls Basketball coaches. The English program was taken over this year by new teacher Jessica Howard, however due to personal reasons Mrs....

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Dec 2, 2021

    DAYTON-High School is moving through the school year with flying colors. Many events have happened behind those double doors in the past two months. The fall Holidays have come and gone- but not without celebration by the students of Dayton High School. It is a favorite tradition in our little school to celebrate the holidays as a school. Halloween was simply acknowledged with a dress-up day; students were invited to wear their Halloween costumes to school, and given the option of participating...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Oct 21, 2021

    DAYTON–The past week was a very important week for the students of Dayton High School. The first few months of the school year, as usual, have brought us endless excitement and experiences, and most importantly; Homecoming. The theme of this year's Homecoming for Dayton and Waitsburg high schoolers was "Hollywood"; it was a very busy, yet enjoyable, week for DHS. Monday, the dress up theme of the day was " Gender Bender" which includes the boys dressing in a "feminine" fashion, and the girls i...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Sep 2, 2021

    DAYTON–It is officially that time of year again, when the students must return from their summer break. The first week back was very different this year as compared to those of the past. There have been a number of changes to the school, such as new staff members, a newly designed disciplinary code, and the pleasant return of a normal sports season schedule for the year. Over the summer, Dayton High School suffered the loss of many staff members both old and new; resulting in what feels like a...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Jun 10, 2021

    By Trista Villaro High School Correspondent DAYTON-The High School Class of 2021 said their final goodbye to “ol’ DHS” as they graduated over the weekend The ceremony was held in the high school gym on Saturday, June 5. Each graduate was allowed a certain number of guests in an arranged seating order, along with standard social distancing and other COVID precautions. Besides the few restrictions, the class was able to have a fairly normal, and traditional ceremony. The commencement began with...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Jun 3, 2021

    DAYTON-This year’s High School Associated Student Body (ASB) council has wrapped up the year with one final spirit week. During the week of May 17, the group led a very successful and fun week of activities for all. The week’s activities consisted of many fun projects and competitions including pole painting, a taco truck, another great pep assembly, and stud volleyball. The winners and placements for each activity and Pole Painting are as follows: 1st Place–Junior Class; 2nd Place...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|May 20, 2021

    DAYTON-The 2020-21 school year is quickly beginning to wrap up. Students are itching to get outside and enjoy their summer break. While it is a rollercoaster of good and bad emotions the seniors are ready to throw up their caps, and begin their new journeys after high school. As the year is coming closer and closer to an end, the ASB council is giving Dayton High School (DHS) one last hoorah before the senior council members must say goodbye. This week, there will be a variety of fun activities...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|May 6, 2021

    DAYTON–One of the biggest summer activities for kids here is their 4-H and FFA projects. Those who raise livestock projects spend a lot of their vacation caring for their animals, and preparing for fair time. This past weekend, many 4-H club members received their show hogs, marking the beginning of the season for them! The 4-H and FFA clubs are essential programs to the youth of our community; teaching them responsibility, leadership, and so much more. Every year these kids, whether they are e...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Apr 29, 2021

    DAYTON–School has gotten back into its groove after spring break two weeks ago with renewed determination to get traditional spring plans on track. Before break, Dayton High School (DHS) had established a great footing with a successful homecoming spirit week, and since the return from spring break, some exciting events have taken place, or have begun to come together. Just two days after returning from spring break on Tuesday, April 13, the annual SAT test was held in the high school library. T...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Apr 8, 2021

    DAYTON–The past few weeks, the Dayton High School Associated Student Body (ASB) Council has been planning the perfect homecoming week; even if it was a little later than usual. All came together just in time for the last DW football game of the season, and to kick off for spring break. To the delight of the ASB, the spirit week was a hit. From making class spirit sticks, to the ASB Elections, and a pep rally, every activity was enjoyed by all. The pep rally was especially exciting; each class w...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Apr 1, 2021

    DAYTON-This year has brought us many restrictions, including the school events students enjoy most. Ordinarily, football season takes place in the fall; and with football, comes the homecoming dance. This year has obviously been very different from previous years, but we have been able to work around the setbacks, and finally have our football season. Unfortunately, the high school was unable to have a Homecoming at its usual time, but with the football season still underway, the high school...


    Trista Villaro|Mar 25, 2021

    By Trista Villaro High School Correspondent DAYTON-National FFA week is an annual event, which many FFA chapters all over the U.S. take part in. The spirit week took place beginning Monday, February 22. The week is a way for FFA members to celebrate and share the achievements of their chapter, and share the importance, and meaning of FFA with all. "It's a time to share what FFA is and the impact it has on members every day as a nation," said FFA/Agriculture teacher Jennifer Crane. Much like the...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Mar 11, 2021

    DAYTON–The recent decision to extend the Dayton High School (DHS) in-person learning day from 12:30–2 p.m. is underway as of March 1. It has been over a week since the first day of this new schedule and so far, students and teachers seem to be adjusting well. However, student opinions still vary greatly. There are numerous feelings and opinions amongst the students, regarding the new schedule. While some say they feel as if nothing has changed, others have commented that their days feel muc...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Mar 4, 2021

    DAYTON–Finally, Dayton-Waitsburg (DW) high school sports are well underway, and last week, our boys and girls kicked off the season with a successful start. The season began on February 15, and will end March 29; so far, the football team has only had one game, as opposed to the volleyball girls who played three games just last week. The team of around 15 girls had a long week, with two of three games being away. While the Varsity team did not have good luck against Mabton and Kittitas, the J...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Feb 25, 2021

    DAYTON-The School Board made the decision to extend school hours to 2 p.m. beginning March 1. As it may be known by now, the recent decision to change the Dayton High School schedule has been under consideration for some time. Students, parents, and teachers have been left to wonder when this change will take place, and what the class schedules will look like. On Friday, the final decision was announced. Beginning on Monday, March 1, Dayton High School will start their class day as usual at...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Feb 18, 2021

    DAYTON- Valentine's Day finally made its way around this year, and Dayton High School celebrated the holiday of love together Friday, February 12. To start the day, Associated Student Body (ASB) officers handed out heart-shaped cookies in the commons area to their peers and teachers, before classes began. They had also decorated the commons area in all sorts of Valentine's Day decorations, from paper hearts to red tinsel curtains. The day ended with everyone receiving their valentine envelopes,...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Feb 11, 2021

    DAYTON–The 2021-22 Associated Student Body (ASB) officers’ election begin in March. While this is not usually a highly competitive area, this year there will be an entirely new group of elected officers, as all but one current ASB officer are to graduate in June. The next group of officers will be an entirely new group, with a new dynamic. Their titles and duties will not be established until the new year starts in the fall, but because of their lack of experience, the current ASB officers and...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Feb 4, 2021

    DAYTON–January has come to an end, and the High School is already prepared for the new month. The Junior class is expected to be fundraising for their hope of hosting a prom later this spring, and the Associated Student Body (ASB) already has Valentine's Day festivities in store, as well as further plans on the horizon. This month, the Junior class will be selling beef jerky, in a variation of flavors, in order to raise money for their future events. The fundraiser will go on for about two weeks...


    Trista Villaro|Jan 28, 2021

    DAYTON-As this academic year began, many decisions had to be made in consideration of Covid-19, and its effects on our community. With the ongoing issue and spread of the virus, the school needed to decide whether or not class would be held remotely, or in person, and exactly how they would go about those options. As we know, it was decided that our school would go back to in-person learning at the school. The high school schedule was adjusted to keep kids in school for half of the day, and...


    Trista Villaro|Jan 21, 2021

    DAYTON-This week at the High School first semester of 2020-21 is finally coming to its end. The final day of 2nd quarter was Wednesday, January 20, and the following day will open up a fresh start for the students. The end of semester has always been a good opportunity for students who are struggling in their classes to have a clean slate, and a second chance at chasing their educational goals. For the seniors, this can be an important milestone for them, as they have just one semester left...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Jan 14, 2021

    DAYTON-After recovering from some time in remote learning, and taking a much-needed winter break, school is up and running once again. Last week on Monday, the district returned to in-person learning. It was discovered two staff members had tested positive for COVID-19, putting four staff members into quarantine. This then led to many students, and some staff questioning whether the upcoming semester would be started in-person, or from home. As the week went on six staff members were affected ov...

  • What's New at School?

    Trista Villaro|Dec 17, 2020

    DAYTON–It’s finally the time of year when the holidays roll around. At the end of this week, the high school will enjoy a half-day, and depart for Christmas break on December 18 which extends through January 3. Over the last two weeks, Dayton schools have gone to remote learning, however, due to the decreasingly low amount of COVID–19 cases in Columbia County recently; no cases within students, or staff, and very little direct contacts within the school, the decision was made to allow stude...

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